

【作者】 陈丽梅

【导师】 曹晓宏;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 语言是文化的产物,也是其特殊组成部份。一定的语言现象承载着特定社会的文化面貌。语言可以折射社会文化的发展痕迹、人们的思想观念、审美心态等。本文试着从“汉语谐音”这一语言现象探究其负载的相关文化信息。在前人研究的基础上,从文化语言学的角度,即从考察语言的文化性质和文化价值的角度,提出了一些新的研究角度及一定的新见解。文章第一章本着语言发展的规律罗列了从古至今的汉语谐音现象。在对其分类时,以其各自突出的文化内涵为依据将其分为六类:这便有别于以往的分类角度。此外,汉语谐音是一种语言现象,必有其产生的语言因素。由此,从汉语语音与汉字特点分析了其具有的语言基础。在此基础上,文章的第二章着重从四个方面探究了其深厚的文化底蕴,即语言崇拜、汉民族思维特点、汉民族委婉、趋利避害心理等。特别是在汉民族思维与谐音的产生及运用的分析中,也体现了笔者自己的思考角度和观点。这一章的文化探究深刻体现了:语言的产生、运用是一个复杂而传承的综合过程;思维、心理及社会历史环境,等都会对其产生深远影响。最后从其运用的审美角度分析了其蕴涵的审美特点,即含蓄美、新奇美、音乐美等。本文对汉语谐音的概括及文化内涵的分析,是为了让人们能更深刻地了解它,在交际运用时,更好地发挥其积极作用。

【Abstract】 The language is a result of the culture and also a special part of it. Certain language phenomenon reflects the culture of a certain society. It can refract the track of the culture development, people’s concept and their aesthetic consciousnesss... This article is trying to research the relevant culture information from the aspect of Chinese Partials. On the basis of predecessors(?) research , for the angels of cultural lingistics, the author propose own research point of view and some opinions.In the first section of this article .enumerate the Chinese homophony,on the regular of lingistics development, when the Chinese homophony are classified, according to each especial cultural connotation. This is quiet different from other classifications.And , Chinese homophony as. a phenomenon of language, it must has its language elements . Such as Chinese pronunciation and Chinese character. In the second section , emphatically make a thorough inquiry from four aspects:language worshipping、 thinking characteristic、 euphemism 、 advantages and disadvantages.Especially, the analysis the influence of Chinese thinking characteristic on the homophony(?)s appearance and employment. That is also th author(?)s own opinions .This section also reflect profoundly:the procession of language(?)s appearance and employment is difficult and comprehensive, thinking 、 psychology and environment are also influne it. This article is aim at comprehending more deeply, the Chinese homophony and playing its positive role better.

【关键词】 谐音民俗禁忌语言崇拜委婉心理
【Key words】 homophoycustomstaboolanguage worshippingeuphemism
  • 【分类号】H0-05
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1475