

Studies on the Molecular Systematics of Physaraceae and Trichiales

【作者】 张亚波

【导师】 刘淑艳;

【作者基本信息】 吉林农业大学 , 植物病理学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 黏菌因其独特的兼具原生动物和真菌某些特征的生活史循环,使其在生物界中的地位一直没有得到统一,同时,黏菌内部成员的组成也在不断变化,为了建立一个更趋自然的黏菌分类系统,本文对团毛菌目Trichtales和绒泡菌科Physaraceae的一些类群的小亚基rDNA进行PCR扩增和序列测定,通过序列比较分析探讨其系统学关系,为建立更趋自然的分类系统奠定基础。 首次对球囊白柄菌的小亚基rDNA部分序列进行PCR扩增和序列测定,分析结果初步表明白柄菌属与绒泡菌目的亲缘关系较近,从而推断将白柄菌属归入绒泡菌目似乎更合理。 对绒泡菌科内4个属5份样品的rDNA小亚基进行了PCR扩增和序列测定,并将其序列与基因库中的相关序列进行了比较分析,结果将供试的绒泡菌科分为两个类群,绒泡菌、光果菌、白柄菌、高杯菌为一个类群;针箍菌和煤绒菌为一个类群。同时从这6个属的系统演化上看,煤绒菌属和针箍菌属在供试的绒泡菌科中为相对原始的类群,高杯菌属次之,白柄菌属较高杯菌进化,光果菌属较白柄菌属进化,绒泡菌属为相对高级的类群。 对团毛菌目内4个属4个样品的rDNA小亚基的部分序列进行了PCR扩增和序列测定,通过序列分析可以初步推断:变毛菌与团毛菌的亲缘关系较近,与半网菌的亲缘关系次之,与团网菌的亲缘关系相对最远。同时从这四个属的系统演化上看,半网菌属为相对原始的类群,团网菌属和团毛菌属为相对高级的类群,变毛菌属介于二者之间。根据本研究结果可以初步推断将团毛菌目分为三个科是相对合理的,因为序列分析结果并不支持将团网菌科与团毛菌科合并。 以上研究为黏菌起源和演化的研究奠定了基础。但由于材料有限,有些类群没有涉及到,还有待进一步补充和完善。

【Abstract】 The taxonomic position of myxomycetes in organisms is still controversy due to the life cycle which contains distinctly some features of both protist and fungus. Meanwhile, the consisting members of myxomycetes have varied widely. Aimed to establish a authentic taxonomic system, the small subunit rDNA from some species of Trichiales and Physaraceae have been amplified by PCR and sequenced in this paper. The systematic relationships between these groups have been obtained by comparing and analyzing the sequences. The results will be helpful to establish a natural taxonomic system.The small subunit ribosomal DNA from Diachea bulbillosa was firstly amplified by PCR method and sequenced. The result indicated that Diachea were more closely related to Physarales than to Stemonitales, and supported that it would be more reasonable to place Diachea in Phyarales more than in Stemonitales.The small subunit rDNA from 5 species, 4 genera of Physaraceae were amplified by PCR method and sequenced. The molecular phylogenetic analyses of these sequences support to divide these species of Physaraceae into two clades, Physarum, Leocarpus, Diachea and Craterium formed a clade, and Physwerella and Fuligo formed another clade. On the phylogenetic relationships among the 6 genera, Fuligo and Physwerella formed the basal position among Physaraceae, and the other four genera diverged in the folloing order Leocarpus, Diachea Craterium and Physarum.The small subunit rDNA from 4 species, 4 genera of Trichiales were amplified by PCR method and sequenced. The results of the sequence analyses support that Metatrichia and Trichia were the most closely related to each other on relationship, and they were more closely related to Hemitrichia than Arcyria. Meanwhile , On the phylogenetic relationships of the 4 genera, Hemitrichi is diverged relative early, Arcyria and Trichia were relative later, Metatrichia was between the two groups. The molecular systematics results suggested that Arcyriaceae and Trichiaceae should not be combined together, and it was necessary to divide Trichiales into three families.The molecular systematics results obtained in this study may provid important molecular biological evidences for the studies on the origin and evolution of slime molds. But further researches were needed for some groups were excluded,.

  • 【分类号】Q949
  • 【被引频次】7
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