

Studies on the Macrofungal Diversity of Jingyuetan National Forestry Park

【作者】 王建瑞

【导师】 图力古尔;

【作者基本信息】 吉林农业大学 , 植物病理学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对长春净月潭国家森林公园大型真菌的物种多样性、区系多样性与森林植被和季节的相关性进行了系统研究。 物种多样性研究,共获得大型真菌标本600余份,共计241种,隶属于117属54科17目2纲。包括担子菌门12目43科100属209种,子囊菌门1纲5目11科17属32种,其中吉林省内新记录种28个,中国新记录种4个。并按照《Dictionary of The Fungi》第九版(2001)系统对物种名录进行编目。所有凭证标本都保藏在吉林农业大学菌物所标本馆(HMJAU)。 区系多样性研究结果表明,净月潭国家森林公园的大型真菌区系成分十分丰富,具有10个种以上的科有6个,含101种,占净月潭国家森林公园大型真菌总数的41.9%,科的数目只占总科数的11.11%。含有5个种以上的属有10个属,共计65种,占总种数的26.97%,而属的数目占总属的8.55%。此10个属中世界分布属有5个,其余5属为北温带分布属。从种的组成上看,世界广布种74个,占总种数的30.7%;北温带分布种有108个,占总种数的44.81%;除此之外还有东亚-北美间断分布种20个,占总数的8.29%;欧亚大陆分布种12种,占总数的4.97%;北温带-澳大利亚分布种11种,占总种数的4.56%;热东亚(热带、亚热带)及热带南美间断分布种5个,占总种数的2.07%。说明净月潭国家森林公园大型真菌区系表现出明显的北温带区系特征。 大型真菌多样性与森林群落和季节的相关性研究,主要从多样性与森林植被和季节变化两方面进行。根据净月潭植物群落的不同将净月潭划分成蒙古栎林(Ⅰ)、樟子松林(Ⅱ)、落叶松林(Ⅲ)、杂木林(Ⅳ)等4个植物群落,4种植物群落中的大型真菌多样性差异表现在:(1)共有种数占植物群落Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ中大型真菌总数的比例分别为8.76%、14.29%、24.49%和22.22%,说明4种植物群落中的大型真菌多样性表现有差异,这与这4种植物群落中的植被分布差异较大相符。通过2004年调查发现,一年中大型真菌发生量出现两次高峰期,一次为5月上旬至6月上旬,另外一次出现在7月中旬至9月下旬,尤以9月上旬大型真菌子实体发生量较为突出,而且大型真菌种类最为丰富,该时期外生菌根菌如日本粉褶菌、白磷马勃、紫皮丽蘑、紫丁香蘑、尖嘴地星等的发生量明显加大。而到10月上旬大型真菌的发生量和丰富程度急剧下降,这时只有个别低温类型种类零星的发生,如巴西银耳,毛头鬼伞,侧耳和坚牢盘革菌等。在十月下旬冬菇和侧耳这两种大型真菌在研究地还可以看到新鲜的子实体。

【Abstract】 Species diversity, flora diversity and relation between season and forest vegetation in the Jingyuetan forestry park were studied systematically in this paper.More than 600 specimens were collected, and 241 species were identified. According to morphological classification, 241 species belong to 117 genera 54 families 28 orders 2 classes. Among them: 209 species from 12 orders, 43 families, 100 genera belong to Basidiomycota; 32 species from 1 classes, 5 orders, 11 families 17 genera belong to Ascomycota. There are 4 new species to china, and 189 new species to Jilin Province. The diversity catalogue of these 241 species was arranged according to Dictionary of Fungi (2001, 9th), and the voucher specimens were deposited in the Herbarium of the Mycological Institute, Jilin Agricultural University (HMJAU).The result of the flora diversity study indicated that there are rich fungi floras in the Jingyuetan National Forestry Park. 6 families which contain more than 10 species contain 101 species, occupied 41.9% total number of macorfungi in the Jingyuetan National Forestry Park and occupied 11.11% total family number. 10 genus which contain more than 5 species, 65 species in all, and occuped 26.97% total species number, 8.55% in the total genus number. In this 10 genus, contain 5 cosmopolitan, other 5 genus are North-temperature zone disperation. Regarding the species composition: 74 comopolitans occupied 30.7% total species number, 108 North-temperate zone species, occupied 44.81% total species number. And 20 Eastern Asia-North America species occupied 8.29% in the total number. 12 Eur-asian species occupied 4.56%. 5 Eastern-tropical (tropical, subtropical) and tropical South America species, occupied 2.07% total number. All this suggests that Jingyuetan National Forestry Park display obvious temperate characteristics.Studies on the relation of the fungal diversity and forest community and season were mainly discussed in diversity and forest vegetation. Vegetation of Jingyuetan was classified into oak forest ( I ), pine forest ( II ), Larix gmelinii Forests (III), Mixed-tree forest (IV ). The macrofungi diversity in this 4 vegetation show that: (1) the proportion of common genera in total number of macrofungi in the I , II, III and IV are 8.76%, 14.29%,24.49%,and 22.22%, indicate that there are difference of the macrofungi diversity in the plant vegetation diversity in 4 kinds of vegetation, coinherence with the plant vegetation diversity in the 4 kinds of vegetation. Investigation in 2004 indicated that there are two peak times of occurrence of macrofungi in a year. One was during the first ten days in May to the first ten day in June, another is fromwas during the middle ten days in July to the last ten days in September.

  • 【分类号】S718
  • 【被引频次】10
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