

【作者】 索凤茹

【导师】 张鸥;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁中医药大学 , 针灸推拿学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 背景与目的:西医学治疗更年期综合征(CS)主要采用激素替代疗法(HRT),其在改善血管舒缩功能、防止心血管疾病及骨关节病变方面的疗效已得到肯定。但HRT诸多的禁忌症和潜在的致癌危险性以及对免疫系统的抑制作用及其它副反应限制了其在临床上的广泛应用。中医治疗本病的疗效肯定,尤其是针灸疗法目前尚未见到任何不良反应及毒副作用的报道,在实验研究方面也取得了一定的成果。本实验的目的在于通过观察针刺“百会”穴对更年期大鼠性激素和效应器官的影响,进一步探讨针灸疗法治疗妇女更年期综合征的作用机理,从而为非药物疗法治疗本病奠定基础。 方法:用40只12月龄雌性Wistar去卵巢模型大鼠随机分为4组,分别为更年期模型组、百会组、肾俞组、百会加肾俞组,设10只4月龄雌性Wistar大鼠为青年对照组。用放射免疫分析方法(RIA)测定大鼠血清雌二醇(E2)、卵泡刺激素(FSH)和黄体生成激素(LH)的含量;HE染色观察大鼠子宫形态变化,测量子宫、阴道的脏器指数。 结果:治疗前切除卵巢更年期模型大鼠血清E2水平明显低于青年对照组,而FSH和LH水平则明显高于青年对照组;电针各治疗组电针治疗后,大鼠血清E2水平与更年期模型组比较明显升高,FSH和LH水平则明显下降,与青年对照组比较亦有显著差异,各针灸治疗组之间无显著性差异。更年期模型组大鼠子宫、阴道的脏器指数明显低于青年对照组,各电针治疗组治疗后,大鼠子宫、阴道的脏器指数明显升高。光镜观察更年期模型组大鼠子宫明显缩小,内膜变薄,内膜下腺体明显减少,各针刺治疗组治疗后,子宫明显增大,内膜增厚,内膜下腺体较丰富,各针刺治疗组大鼠子宫无明显形态学差异。 结论:针刺疗法对女性内分泌有良性调整作用,进而能够治疗女性更年期综合征;百会穴能够调整更年期大鼠性激素及其效应器官,其作用可能是通过调节肾(脑)—天癸—冲任—胞宫生殖轴(相当于西医的下丘脑—垂体—性腺轴)而实现的;针刺百会能取得与针刺肾俞及百会加肾俞穴相似的疗效,为临床精选穴位,减轻患者痛苦提供依据。

【Abstract】 Background & Objective:The treatment of Western medicine in climacteric syndrome mostly adopt hormone replacement therapy. HRT’s curative effect is affirmed in improve vasomotor function ,prevent cardiovascular disease and osteoarthropathia.Howewer,the various contraindication,potential carcinogenic risk,the depressant of immune system,as well as other side effect limits the general application in clinical. The curative effect of acupuncture therapy in CS is affirmed and there is no any adverse effect and poison by-effect being reported.invariably outcom gained in experimental study. The objective of this experiment is through observing the effect in gonadal hormone and its effector organ of climacteriumal rats.Approachs the mechanism of action of acupuncture and moxibustion therapy in femme’CS .And to establish the underlaying for derecting clinical.Methods:40 female Wistar rats(aged 12 months)were randomly divided into four groups(n=10): clima cteric group(CLI),baihui group,shenshu group and baihui and shenshu group.8 female Wistar rats(aged 4 months) is intact group(INT).Made the clima cteric model rat by cut the ovaries.Radioimmunoassay(RIA) was used to measure the level of the estrogen(E2),follicle-stimulating hormone(FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) in the plasma.The change of the morphology of the rat uterus was observed by HE staining. Measure the organs’ index of uterus and vagina.Results:Compared with rats of INT group, the plasma E2 level of rats of CLI group significantly lowered while plasma FSH and LH level significantly increased. Compared with rats of CLI group, the plasma E2 level of rats of therapy groups significantly increased while plasma FSH and LH level significantly lowered. Compared with rats of INT group, uterus and vagina of rats of CLI group significantly lessened. Compared with rats of CLI group, uterus and vagina of rats of therapy groups significantly increased. Compared with rats of INT group ,endometria of CLI group significantly thinningzed,and glandular organ of infra-endometria significantly decreased. Compared with rats of CLI group, endometria of therapy groups significantly thicked,and glandular organ of infra-endometria significantly increased .There is no significantly discrepancy between therapy groups.Conclusions:The level of sex hormone in plasma of clima cteric rats could be regulated by electro—acupuncture baihui.It’s effector organ changed according to.The mechansm likely is regulating the axis of kidney-tiangui-chongren-utrus.

【关键词】 更年期综合征电针百会机理
【Key words】 climacteric syndromebaihui pointelectroacupuncturemechanism
  • 【分类号】R245
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】184