

On the Research for the Construction of the Talent Aggregating Environment in Liaoning Province

【作者】 丛潇潇

【导师】 窦胜功;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 企业管理, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 在现代知识经济的竞争中,人才作为知识的载体日益成为经济增长的主要源泉,没有硝烟的人才争夺战正在国际、地区间展开,谁拥有人才,谁就获得竞争优势。吸引人才的关键在于人才环境,良好的人才环境在于营造与建设,从某种意义上说,人才竞争也就是人才环境的竞争。辽宁省要保持并强化经济社会发展优势,实现振兴东北老工业基地的宏伟目标,关键因素在于营造吸引人才的良好人才环境。虽然近年来辽宁省各级政府采取措施改善人才环境,但促使人才成长、发挥才能的环境还不尽如意,尚存在政策落后、思想僵化、舆论落后、观念陈腐等现象,出现人才总体质量日趋下降,高级人才、科技人员流失的趋势。因此,加强人才环境建设,吸引人才集聚,成为辽宁省振兴战略工作的首要问题。 本文正是针对上述情况,对辽宁省人才集聚环境建设问题进行了调查和研究。对人才集聚相关理论进行了概述,总结出了人才集聚环境的内涵和特点,并提出建设人才环境的过程是“整体营销过程”。 采用了数据调查及问卷调查的方法对辽宁人才集聚环境进行了调查。通过数据调查法,按地区、年度进行了数据比较分析;设计了调查问卷,对辽宁省部分城市的人才进行了问卷调查,并对问卷结果进行了统计分析,根据上述两项调查得出了辽宁省人才集聚环境调查基本结论。 根据调查的基本结论,设计出了辽宁省人才集聚环境体系,较全面概括出辽宁人才集聚环境中包含的因素,为制定具体对策起到概括性和方向性指导作用;根据辽宁省目前人才集聚环境建设的具体问题,提出相应的对策措施,希望加强辽宁省人才集聚环境建设,吸纳各界人才,形成人才集聚的人才高地,为振兴辽宁经济做出贡献;同时,希望对其他地区的人才集聚环境建设提供参考性意见。

【Abstract】 In the competition of the modern kownledge economy, talents, as the carrier of knowledge, are becoming the main source of economic growth day by day, and the talents’ contention is booming in the world. The ones who have talents advantage will obtain the competition advantage. The key that attracts talents depends on the talent environment, which in turn depends on its proper building and Construction. Therefore, talent competition is the competition of talent environment in a sense. For keeping and strengthening the social-economical development advantage of Liaoning, and achieving the goal of revitalizing the old northeastern industrial base, the key factor lies on building a sound talent environment to attract talents. Although the government of Liaoning has taken measures to improve the talent environment in recent years, the environment that facilitates the talent development and exertion is still not satisfying. There still are laggard policy and public opinion, ossification, stale ideas, etc, causing the trend that overall quality of talents appears to drop and the senior talents and professional technicians appear to outflow gradually. Therefore, strengthening the Construction of talent environment and attracting talent aggregation have become the primary problem in the strategic revitalization work of Liaoning province.To the above situations, the problems in Construction the talent-aggregrating environment of Liaoning province are investigated and analysed in this article. This article summarizes the theory about the talent-aggregrating, and sums up the connotation and characteristic of the talent-aggregrating, and then proposes that the process of constructing the talent-aggregrating environment is a "whole marketing process".This article investigatest the talent-aggregrating environment of Liaoning province through the data investigation and questionnaire investigation. Through the data

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
  • 【分类号】F249.2
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】671