

Study of Stability from an Angle of Channel-sand System on the Mid-south Part of Radial Sand Ridges

【作者】 侯庆志

【导师】 徐敏; 陆培东;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 为配合上海国际航运中心的建设,实现长江三角洲区域经济持续高速均衡发展,位于长三角北翼的江苏海岸需要建设大型海港实现江海联运。但江苏海岸近千公里的海岸线目前只有连云港一个大型海港,中部和南部仍是建港空白地带,使得江苏的海洋经济相对落后于邻近省份,与地域上经济大省的地位不相称。造成这种状况的主要原因之一是江苏岸外发育着世所罕见、滩槽多变、水动力复杂的辐射状沙洲。20世纪80年代以来对辐射沙洲的逐步认识突破了辐射沙洲区不能建港的传统观念,而水道、沙洲稳定性是制约辐射沙洲区建港的关键问题。 辐射沙洲中南部的烂沙洋水道具有优越的水深条件,烂沙洋与其南部的西太阳沙组成的水道-沙洲组合提供了区域港口开发的基本条件。 在已有辐射沙洲形成演变研究基础上,通过水下地形资料分析、固定断面比较分析、遥感影像资料分析等方法认识了烂沙洋与西太阳沙水道-沙洲组合在潮流控制下的长周期和大浪作用下的短周期稳定性特征。研究发现潮流控制下西太阳沙海域的动态与辐射沙洲外围侵蚀、内缘淤积动态的一般规律一致,同时该区域存在着大浪作用下的滩冲槽淤短期动荡。同以往单一研究水道或沙洲不同,文章提出从维持水道-沙洲系统稳定性的角度进行区域海港开发前景研究。 依据40年来西太阳沙始终存在部分,规划设计了人工岛。通过区域潮流泥沙整体物理模型试验分析了人工岛建设对水道-沙洲系统稳定性的可能影响,并通过大浪、潮流共同作用下滩冲槽淤物理模型试验分析了大浪对人工岛的影响。试验表明,人工岛建设没有改变西太阳沙水道-沙洲系统的自然动态,大浪作用以高潮大浪和低潮破波为主,且对人工岛东北侧的作用较为显著,相应的防护措施很有必要。 文章的研究对辐射沙洲中南部的开发利用具有重要的理论和应用价值。

【Abstract】 To cooperate with the construction of international ship center of Shanghai and achieve continuance, high speed and balanced development of region economy, coast of jiangsu need to build big seaport. However there is only one big seaport of Lian Yungang along the almost a thousand km coastline of jiangsu at present, central and southern part are blank of harbor-building and it weakens the ocean economy of Jiangsu. One of the main reason of this status is that there is radial sand ridges at Jiangsu out-shore and stability is the critical factor in exploring of seaport this area. Since 1980 of last century, research of radial sand ridges broke through the traditional idea of harbor-building is impossible at radial sand ridges area. Stability of channel-sand plays an important role in the build of seaport in the area of radial sand ridges.The tide channel of Lanshayang at mid-south of radial sand ridges area has predominant condition of water deep for harbor-building and the channel-sand compages provides the basic condition for region harbor-building.Based the foregoing study of radial sand ridges, data of submarine-terrain, fixed profile, remote sensing, are used to analyze the facial and submarine change of the compages, in aim to understand the long-term evolvement trend controlled by tide current and short-term clash turbulence .The result is that the long-term evolvement trend of the compages resembles that of the radial sand ridges . At the same time ,there is a short-term turbulence in this area. Differs with other researches, the article put forwards the explore study of seaport from the view of maintain the stability of channel-sand system.Based on the all long exist part of Xitaiyangsha for lately 40 years, designed a false-island, and analyzed the possible affects of engineering on stability of channel-sand system and wave on the island by physical model. Test indicated that, the built of the island has little affect on the system and the wave affects intensively on the island especially on the part of Northeast.Conclusion of this article has an important theoretic and pratical meaning to the exploring of this area.

  • 【分类号】TV147
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