

Vulnerability Assessment to Dongguan Town in Qixian Ground Water Resources Based on GIS

【作者】 王勇

【导师】 赵志怀;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 地下水脆弱性研究是保护地下水环境工作的基础。1968年法国人Margat在他的文章中首次提出“地下水脆弱性”这一术语。Margat与Albinet先后通过图件来描述地下水对污染的脆弱程度,以此唤醒人类社会对地下水污染问题危险性的认识。美国国家科学研究委员会于1993年给予地下水脆弱性如下定义:地下水脆弱性是污染物到达最上层含水层之上某特定位置的倾向性与可能性。 地理信息系统(GIS)技术可以对地理空间数据和信息实现输入、存储、管理、检索、处理和综合分析等功能,已经广泛地用于各个领域。由于GIS技术日趋成熟,具有了综合分析和进行空间建模的能力,而且可以随时修改与更新数据库,使评价过程变得简便、容易,为地下水脆弱性的研究提供了有力的支持,极大地推动了地下水脆弱性研究的发展,已开始广泛地应用于地下水脆弱性评价与制图中。 本文基于GIS平台,根据祁县东观镇地下水资源的大量的数据资料,应用DRASTIC方法对祁县东观镇地下水资源进行脆弱性评价。文中介绍了目前在地下水资源脆弱性评价方面的国内外发展现状,祁

【Abstract】 The research of groundwater vulnerability is the basis of groundwater environment protection. In 1968, a French Margat first raised the term "groundwater vulnerability " in his article, and he and Albinet successively made descriptions through pictures of vulnerability degree of groundwater on pollution, so as to arouse the human society attention to the danger of groundwater pollution. In 1993, the American State Committee of Scientific Research gave groundwater vulnerability a definition: it is the tendency and possibility of pollutants reaching a certain position above the highest water-containing level.GIS, which has the functions of the input, store, management, search, disposal, and synthetic analysis of geographical spatial data and information, has been widely used in every field. Since GIS is becoming more and more practical, which has the ability of synthetic analysis as well as spatial module construction, and to change and renew the data base at any time, the evaluation process is facilitated, strong support is given to groundwater vulnerability, and the development of the research on groundwater vulnerability is promoted, thus GIS has been widely applied in

  • 【分类号】P641.8
  • 【被引频次】4
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