
学习策略 学习风格 语言焦虑与英语成绩的相关研究

A Correlation Study of Learning Strategies, Learning Style, Foreign Language Learning Anxiety and English Achievement

【作者】 杨阿娣

【导师】 郝玫;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着英语教学与研究的快速发展,越来越多的教师和研究者意识到,以行为心理学为先导,注重如何教的传统教学方法已不再适应了。同时,他们也认识到教育的基本目的,是培养独立,自主,有效的学习者,并教会他们如何学习。对学习过程和学习者差异的研究也显得愈为重要。二十世纪六十年代以来,与语言学,心理语言学以及认知心理学的发展相伴而至的,是二语习得研究重点的一次大转移:从研究如何教到研究如何学。大量对于学习策略的研究蓬勃开展。早期的研究致力于探寻善学语言者的特点。后来,语言学家考察语言学习策略的概念,定义与分类,以及策略使用与二语成绩的关系。如今,研究重点转移到策略训练的模式与方法上来。 在中国,对学习策略的研究始于二十世纪八十年代。许多研究者探索大学生和研究生所使用的学习策略,和各种研究方法(蒋祖康,1994;吴一安,1993;文秋芳,1995;秦晓晴,1998)。另外一些研究者则探寻影响英语成绩与策略使用的因素,如性别,焦虑,学习观念,学习态度,以及善学者与不善学者所使用的策略(文秋芳,1996,2001;侯松山,1998;马广惠,1997;郝玫,2001)。 大多数研究者都以大学生作为研究对象,很少有人对不同学习阶段的学习者策略使用做出对比研究,对于策略与风格,策略与焦虑的关系的研究也为数不多。由于以上原因,本次研究的目的是调查不同学习阶段各种因素对策略使用的影响,如学习风格,语言焦虑,性别;以及策略与英语成绩的关系。其目的是证明这些因素对策略选择的影响,找出它们不同的影响水平,同时对学习策略,策略训练和教学法,以及语言学习与教学予以探索。研究对象是洛阳市的二百六十一名学生,他们分别来自于三所学校:洛阳五中(89人),洛阳四十六中(89人)和洛阳师院(83人)。本次研究使用了三份问卷:Oxford的语言学习策略量表(SILL),Reid的感知风格量表(PLSPS),

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid development of English teaching and research, more and more teachers and researchers realized that the traditional way of teaching, which was guided by behaviorist psychology and focused on "how to teach", no longer adequate. They also realized that the basic purpose of education was to make students independent, autonomous and effective learners, and to teach them how to learn. The study of learning process and learner differences became more and more important and necessary. From the 1960s, with the advances in the areas of general linguistics, psycholinguistics and cognitive psychology, the research emphasis of second language acquisition began to shift from teaching to learning. A host of studies about learning strategy were carried out. In the early studies, the features of good language learners were identified. After that, linguists tried to discuss the concept, definition and classification of language learning strategies, as well as the relationship between learning strategies and foreign language achievement. And now, focus of research is shifted to the training models and methods of learning strategies training.In China, the research on learning strategies dated from the 1980s. Some researchers studied the learning strategies used by the college and graduate learners, and the research methods (Jiang Zukang, 1994; Wu Yian. 1993: Wen Qiufang, 1995; Qin Xiaoqing, 1998). And others investigated the factors affecting English achievement and learning strategies use, such as gender, learning anxiety, learning-beliefs, attitudes and the learning strategies used by the good and the poor students (Wen Qiufang, 1996, 2001; Hou Songshan ,1998;

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】786