

Data Processing Methods Research and Software Development of GPS Deformation Monitor

【作者】 薛永安

【导师】 葛永慧;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 变形监测是为了监视地表、工程建筑物及设施等点位移动状况而进行的长期、重复的测量工作,其关键在于捕捉变形敏感部位和各观测周期间的变形观测点的变形信息。GPS与其它许多经典的测量方法均在该领域发挥了重要的作用,但与常规的测量方法相比,GPS技术不仅可以满足变形监测工作的精度要求,而且有助于监测工作的自动化与实时化。目前,GPS技术已经广泛应用于各类变形监测中,如城市地面沉降变形监测、大坝变形监测、桥梁变形监测、滑坡监测、高层建筑物变形监测、矿区变形监测等等。 对GPS变形监测网的数据处理(主要指监测网平差和变形分析)在方法上与过去没有什么本质区别,只不过要复杂些。由于变形监测的的观测精度要求高,数据信息量大,数据处理分析复杂。因此,开发配合GPS监测技术的相应数据处理软件,并将其纳入到变形监测体系中就显得尤为重要。由上所述,研究GPS变形监测网的数据处理方法,并且研制相应的数据处理软件对变形监测工作有着重要的意义。 针对当前GPS技术广泛应用于变形监测领域的趋势和矿区变形监测的特点,本文系统性的研究了GPS变形监测网的数据处理方法,最后总结出适用于矿区GPS变形监测网的数据处理方法。

【Abstract】 Deformation monitor is long-term and repeating survey work that aims at the point move conditions in monitoring the earth’s surface, engineering buildings and establishment with its key point staying at catching the deformation information in the sensitive deformation positions and each periodic survey. GPS and other typical survey methods play an important role in this area. But comparing with the regular survey methods, GPS technology can not only meet the needs for accurate results of the survey, but also be helpful to the automation and real time of the survey. At present, the GPS technology has been applied to varieties of deformation monitoring, such as subsiding of the earth’s surface in urban areas, deformation monitoring of the dams, deformation monitoring of bridges, monitoring for sliding slopes, tall buildings, mining areas, and so on.The methods of data processing to GPS monitor networks (here we mean the monitor network adjustment and the deformation analysis.) is not essentially different form the methods in the past, but more complex. As the deformation monitoring requires higher accuracy, massive data of information, the data processing is quite complicated. Therefore, it seems extremely important to develop such data processing soft wares with cooperating with GPS monitor survey, and furthermore bring it to the system of deformation monitor. From the above, we know that it is significant for deformation

  • 【分类号】P228.4
  • 【被引频次】15
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