

Research on the Current Situation and Correlative Countermeasure of Small Scale Foreign Trade Enterprises

【作者】 王宁

【导师】 周峰;

【作者基本信息】 武汉科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国外贸体制改革的不断深化,国有外贸公司垄断进出口的状况已彻底改变。我国已逐步发展成为国有外贸企业、三资企业、拥有进出口经营权的生产企业、民营外贸企业等并存的多元化外贸主体的外贸格局。中国加入世界贸易组织,给中小型外贸公司的发展创造了很好的机遇。同时,也带来了风险。近几年来,机电产品出口份额稳步上升,被称为出口产品的“半壁江山”。因此,中小机电类出口贸易企业如何能在国内外环境都发生巨大变化的形势下,稳住阵脚、拓展市场,利用自身优势和现代管理理论进行国际竞争,是本行业关注的焦点。本人曾在一家专业机电产品出口企业——武汉高信技术发展有限公司实习半年,故以现代企业管理理论为基础,结合实践经验,对高信在发展过程中出现的一些问题进行分析研究,探讨有关对策和建议,并在此基础上,对中小外贸企业的出路也做了进一步探讨。第一部分,阐述论文选题的背景、研究意义以及论文结构框架。第二部分,分析中小外贸企业所处的供应链——国际供应链形成的理论基础,阐述SWOT分析理论,强调中小外贸企业要根据SWOT分析选择竞争战略。第三部分,分析机电出口业的行情及外贸出口企业的行业现状。目前中小外贸企业出口处于劣势,为了转变这种局面,将现代经营理念——供应链管理引入外贸经营,提出了外贸企业经营管理目标。第四部分,用流程图分析了高信公司供应链构成、公司业务流程。具体介绍高信公司采购管理、经营模式、包装要求。第五部分,对高信公司进行SWOT分析后,从整体上概括了公司发展中的问题和经营中的风险,提出四种对策,并给出公司应对风险之策。第六部分,提出了中小外贸公司发展中的问题具有共性,从行业角度出发,对中小外贸企业发展做进一步研究,提出了它们可以在三个方向上进行发展。

【Abstract】 Along with the deepening of the foreign trade system reforming of our country, the time of monopoly of state-owned foreign trade company has gone. In the existed foreign trade carriers, there are state-owned foreign trade enterprise, the Three Funds Enterprises, the production enterprise which has the right of import and export, the privately operated enterprise and so on. China joins in the World Trade Organization, has created a good opportunity for the middle and small scale foreign trade company. While at the same time, it has brought the risk. In the last few years, the exportation of the mechanical and electrical product has rised steady, which is called "the half of the country" of the export product. Therefore, it is a focused point to gain the competitive advantage for the middle and small scale foreign trade company, using its own superiority and the modern management theory, in the changing environment of the domestic and international. I has worked with a foreign trade enterprise which is specialized in exportation of mechanical and electrical products---Wuhan Goldsense technology development Inc. for half year, and I find there are some questions in its development process, so I put forward some pertinent countermeasure on the basis of modern management theory as well as the experiences. Moreover, I did some research on the middle and small scale foreign trade enterprises about their development.Part one: This part introduces the background of selecting this theme, the purpose and the significance of the study, and the paper’s framework.Part two: This part analyze the global supply chain in which the small foreign trade enterprises locate. In the meanwhile, the author elaborates the SWOT theory, and emphasizes that the small foreign trade enterprise should choose competition strategy on the basis of the SWOT theory.Part three: Analyzing the market of the exportation of mechanical and electrical as well as the market of foreign trade exportation enterprises in the recent years. Pointing out that the small export enterprise was in a adverse situation. The author introduces the supply chain management into the operation of this kind of enterprise, proposes that the enterprise should achieve several goals so as to get rid of the adversity.Part four, describing the structure of the supply chain of Goldsense enterprise and the business flow recur to the flow chart. Introducing the company’s purchasing management, the mode of operation, the packing management etc.Part five, Carrying through the SWOT analysis on Goldsense company, summarized several difficulties and some risks which may hamper its development, and then proposed four countermeasures as well as measurement against the risks.Part six: The author considers the difficulties about Goldsense which may fall across by other middle or small exportation enterprises. So the author did some further studies about the middle and small foreign trade enterprises, proposed three directions on their way of development.

  • 【分类号】F752
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1996