

Study on Customer Crisis Management in Real Estate Enterprise

【作者】 陈琳

【导师】 许远明;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 客户是房地产开发企业的重要资源,客户战略已经成为房地产开发企业的新战略之一。未来的房地产竞争是客户资源的竞争、客户服务的竞争。房地产开发企业的经营模式已经向以客户为中心的模式转变。但是由于房地产市场不规范、房地产项目建设受多因素影响、房地产开发企业经营实力不足和经营观念落后、客户期望过高和维权行为不理智等因素导致了近几年房地产客户危机频发。目前,房地产客户危机已经成为房地产开发企业最常见的危机之一。房地产开发企业急需实行客户危机管理,积极应对客户危机,提高企业抵御客户危机的能力、提高企业战略管理水平、提升企业核心竞争力。本文从房地产开发的特点、房地产开发企业的内外环境因素出发,提出了房地产客户危机和客户危机管理的概念,并分析了房地产客户危机的特点、发生原因、传播的途径,多方面论证房地产开发企业实行客户危机管理的必要性和可行性。依据危机生命周期理论,危机管理可以分为危机预防、危机处理和危机总结恢复三个阶段,本文在运用危机管理基本理论的基础上,结合房地产开发实践,就房地产客户危机三阶段的主要问题展开了研究。客户危机预防是客户危机管理的重点。笔者从客户危机的预警、客户危机管理计划的执行控制、危机文化的培养和客户危机培训等多方面对客户危机预防进行了全面论述,提出了房地产客户危机预警系统的构思和基本思路,并结合实践总结了房地产客户危机阶段防护计划的要点。对无法避免的房地产客户危机,也提出了相应的客户危机处理和总结恢复措施,比如客户危机信息传播沟通管理,客户危机绩效评定等。实行客户危机管理需要相应的组织、人员、资源的配套和支持。为此,本文提出了房地产开发企业危机管理组织体系的总体规划和建立思路,为客户危机管理的实行奠定了基础。客户危机发生的根源在于房地产开发企业的管理水平不高、经营观念落后,要从根本上解决客户危机,房地产开发尚需提高项目管理水平、实行客户关系管理、完善合同管理、加强风险管理、重视公共关系、培育核心竞争力。

【Abstract】 There are many complex and diverse factors which effect the management of the real estate enterprise. The market and social environment, which the real estate projects work in, have much drastic changes. The real estate enterprises also have many problems in their own management process. In recent years, so real estate enterprises are forced to face frequent and destructive crises, such as customer complaints, the media exposure and loan restrictions and so on. For avoiding crises, reducing the loss of enterprises, protecting the brand image and improving enterprise management, crisis management is introduced to real estate enterprises to deal effectively with various crises. Currently, the most common crisis happened in Real estate is the real estate customer crisis. Because of "The War" occurred in Housing delivery and the bloody conflict between customers and the real estate enterprise, the managers and clients feel exhausted, physically and psychological both. Thus it has a great significance that real estate enterprises study crisis management to actively deal with real estate customer crisis.The definition of the real estate customer crisis and customer crisis management is pointed out in the thesis. On the basis of the theory about the lifecycle of crises, the comprehensive plans of the real estate customer crisis are made about the three stages of crisis prevention, crisis management and crisis restoration. The measures in each stage are described detailedly. A customer crisis advance warning synthetic indexes system and an advance warning system are designed based on the analysis about the reasons, which cause real customer crisis. The sticking points are pointed out those of avoiding customer crisis in each stage in the course of the operation of real estate projects. By trailing the communication way of the information about customer crisis, the management system about customer information and communication process is established. The performance analysis about real estate customer crisis management and an evaluation analysis of the work of real estate enterprises are made. Finally, the customer crisis will be solved fundamentally and the business management of real estate enterprise will be improved by raising the level of project management, improving contract management, strengthening risk management and breeding the core competitiveness of real estate enterprise. Thinking about crisis management’features the crisis management organizational system in the real estate enterprise is designed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 01期
  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】576