

The Research of the Handan City Agriculture Sustainable Development Analyzes and Its Evaluation

【作者】 魏志敏

【导师】 顾明;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 可持续发展的宗旨就是促进人与自然的统一,农业可持续发展是可持续发展的基础和重要组成部分,是持续发展的根本保障和优先领域。邯郸市是河北省主要粮、棉产区,以邯郸为研究对象来研究区域农业可持续发展问题,不仅有利于推动邯郸市、河北省的农业经济发展,还可以为华北平原以及其他类似区域的农业可持续发展研究与实践提供依据。 本文引入系统论的方法,把邯郸市农业可持续发展作为一个复杂的大系统来研究,对系统的分析是从系统整体出发、分析系统组成,在分析系统的各组成部分的基础上形成对系统整体的综合认识。本文以大量的统计数据和调查资料为基础,对邯郸市农业可持续系统下的生态、生产、技术、经济、社会五个子系统进行具体的分析,在此基础上运用评价体系对以上五子系统进行抽象的数学模型评价,从而对大系统的运行态势作出客观评价。 本文研究认为随着农业集约化和现代化水平的不断提高,邯郸市农业可持续性总体上逐步得到加强,但是,在邯郸市农业持续发展的同时,也存在一系列问题:水资源的紧缺与浪费;生态环境的恶化;耕地的锐减;农业产业结构不合理,种植业的结构中粮食作物和经济作物的比例不协调,农产品加工滞后;工业对农业反哺能力差,市场化指数较低,龙头企业数量不多,农业投资力度不够。 根据研究,结合邯郸市农业生产实际提出邯郸市农业可持续发展的总体思路和基本对策:一、改善农业生态环境,合理利用资源,特别是水资源和耕地资源。二、稳定和完善土地承包关系,调整农业生产结构。三、依靠市场来发展农业,加强农业基地化和产业化开发。四、农业科技方面要依靠科技进步,提高农业生产率,加快现有科技成果转化,五、控制人口增长,提高农民收入,消除贫困,提高劳动者文化与技术素质。

【Abstract】 The sustainable development objective is promotes the human and the natural unification, the agricultural sustainable development is the sustainable development foundation and the important constituent, is basic safeguard which continues to develop and first domain. Handan is the Hebei Province main grain, the cotton and kapok production area, studies the region agriculture sustainable development question take Handan as the research object, not only is advantageous in impels Handan, Hebei Province’s agricultural economy development, but also may studies for the Huabei Pingyuan and all that similar regions agricultural sustainable development and practices provides the basis.This article introduces the system theory the method, the Handan agriculture sustainable development took a complex large-scale systems studies, is embarks, the analysis system composition to the system analysis from the system whole, forms in the analysis system each constituent foundation to the system whole synthesis understanding. This article take the massive statistical data and the investigation material as a foundation, to under the Handan agriculture sustainable system ecology, the production, the technology, the economy, the social five subsystems carries on the concrete analysis, utilizes the appraisal system in this foundation to carry on the abstract mathematical model appraisal to the above five subsystems, thus makes the objective evaluation to the large-scale systems movement situation.This article studies thought along with the agriculture intensification and the modernized level unceasing enhancement, in the Handan agriculture sustainable overall obtains gradually strengthens, but, continues while the Handan agriculture which develops, also has a series of problems: The water resources are scarce and the waste; Ecological environment worsening; Farming sharp decline; The agriculture industrial structure is unreasonable, in the crop production structure the grain crops and the industrial crop proportion is uncoordinated, agricultural products processing lag; The industry returns nurturing to parents the ability to the agriculture badly, marketability index low, the main item enterprise quantity are not many, agricultural investment dynamics is insufficient.According to studies, unifies the Handan agricultural production actual to propose the Handan agriculture sustainable development overall mentality and the essential countermeasure: First, the improvement agriculture ecological environment, reasonably uses the resources, specially water resources and cultivated land resources. Second, is stable and the perfect land contracting relations, the adjustment agricultural production structure. Third, depends upon the market to develop the agriculture, strengthens the agricultural base and the industrial production development. Fourth, the agricultural science and technology aspect must depend upon the advance in technology, enhances the agricultural productivity, speeds up the existing technical achievement to transform, five, the control population growth, enhances the farmer to receive, eliminates impoverished, enhances the worker culture and the technical quality.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 11期
  • 【分类号】F323.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】427