

【作者】 陈志学

【导师】 周开吉; 孙梦慈;

【作者基本信息】 西南石油大学 , 石油与天然气工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 气体欠平衡钻井,可以采用空气、天然气、氮气、柴油机尾气作为循环介质,其循环系统的压力分布、钻井机械的选择、钻井参数的合理配置与传统钻井方式相比有着很大的区别。与传统钻井液钻井相比,气体钻井具有提高钻速、保护油气层、降低钻井综合成本等优势,在国内外有着越来越广泛的应用。国内关于气体钻井的理论研究及参数计算起步较晚,因此对气体钻井流体动力学进行系统的研究,形成一套简捷、准确、系统的气体钻井流体力学参数设计、计算及控制理论,是十分重要的课题。本文研究目的就在于通过对气体钻井理论进一步地研究,为气体钻井中流体动力学主要参数的计算提供理论保障和技术支持。 论文在进行大量调研和现场试验应用的基础上,对气体钻井做了系统的研究分析。主要从岩屑携带、循环系统的压力分布、井眼稳定等方面入手,对BoYun Guo气体钻井流体力学参数计算模型、方法进行分析、评价。文章重点对气体钻井循环系统的压力分布进行了计算,同时,还详细分析了影响气体钻井井壁稳定性的因素,并对其进行了系统的计算,最终建立起了一套气体钻井的工艺技术流程;另外,介绍了空气钻井、井场布置、空压机主要参数选择以及对空气钻井参数的影响,空气锤钻井工艺的原理和技术流程等。 对本文计算出的气体钻井流体动力学参数在油田进行了试验验证。玉门油田利用空气钻井进行钻速试验,钻井速度比常规钻井液钻井提高5倍以上,是加快逆掩推覆体地层和白垩系地层钻井速度的唯一技术手段;气体钻井在油田的试验应用见到了非常显著的效果,给油田的勘探开发带来了巨大的经济效益。

【Abstract】 Air drilling, as a member of underbalance pressure drilling family, is the drilling technique whereby gases, typically compressed air, natural gas, nitrogen and diesel tail gas, are used to be the circulation liquid.The advantages of air drilling,such as much faster in footage,protect the reservoir from contamination and less cost, make its widely application in oil fields, whereas the pressure distribution in circulation,the drilling machinery choice and the configuration of drilling parameters is distinguished from conventional drilling method.The theoretical research of air drilling in China is behind that of abroad.It’s necessary to work on fluid dynamics and make the caculation model and control theories.This paper is the derivation of air drilling theory and make further research,in addition,try to calculate the main parameters of fluid dynamics.This paper mainly discussed the use of BoYun Guo caculation model from some aspects, in which cutting carring, pressure distribution in circulation and borehole stabilize are involved and all base on theory study and spot prooftest.The paper focus on pressure distribution in circulation and, in the meantime,analysed the parametes which affect hole stabilize carefully.Through the effort,comes to the whole process design of air drilling and discussed well layout, the selection of air compressor and pneumatic hammer drilling.In Yumen Oil Field prooftest penetration rate is sixtuple or more than that of using conventional liquids and it is the only method to accelerate in adverse- cover nappe. We come in to conclusion that air drilling technique is destined to bring forth economic beneficial result in future oil industry.

  • 【分类号】TE249
  • 【被引频次】25
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