

Research and Application of On-line Network Teaching System Using PAR Method Based on Streaming Media Technology

【作者】 王武珍

【导师】 薛锦云;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 当今世界已迈入信息化时代,各行各业都急需熟练掌握计算机程序设计的技术人员。江西师范大学薛锦云教授领衔的软件形式化和自动化课题组,为显著提高软件的可靠性和开发效率,历时十余年,在八个国家级课题和多个省部级项目资助下,形成了支持软件形式化和半自动化开发的PAR方法及其支撑平台(PAR平台)。 同时在计算机专业教学中,算法设计教育是一个难点。一个学生如果学会了算法设计,那么写程序对他来说只是一些简单的符号累加。薛教授提出的PAR方法是一种简单实用的形式化算法设计、开发和证明的方法。让更多的学生熟悉PAR算法开发方法及PAR平台,使他们提高算法开发效率,能够进行智能程序设计,将程序设计视为一种创造美的劳动,这是我们的期望。 本文以PAR方法和PAR平台为背景,初步实现一个能够帮助学员规范地设计出高质量程序的程序设计网络教学平台—《PAR方法》网络在线授课系统。 本文所做的工作主要有:1、熟悉流媒体技术的主要内容和研究流媒体技术的应用方案;2、熟悉实现该网络在线系统所采用的Windows Media技术原理:3、在教学理论指导下,设计制作了介绍算法开发方法的流课件《PAR方法》;4、研究并实现了该网络在线授课系统的模型。系统中使用的课件以PAR方法为精华内容,采用流媒体技术实现。客户端通过网络登录服务器学习该课件,授课质量良好。 本文中实现的网络在线授课系统特色主要有:1、该流课件的制作是使用“课件梦工厂”软件自动生成的,这个软件以USB摄像头为图像采集设备,以麦克风为音频采集设备,利用PC机强大的处理能力,对图像和屏幕进行实时压缩编码和流化,自动生成同步的视音频的流格式文件;2、该课件采用了流媒体文件格式,不会因为网络带宽的变化而出现断续现象。在客户端上得到的音视频内容,与非流媒体文件相比,质量大大提高,画面清晰、稳定,色彩柔和,教师授课声音逼真,加强了授课效果;3、在教学理论指导下,以程序设计理论和方法学为主要内容,设计了该课件的教学框架,注重学员程序设计能力的培养,设计的课件互动效果大大增强;4、该网络在线授课系统采用了当前网络教育领域最先进、最流行的解决方案,可扩充性、可移植性强,是进行网络教学的主流系统。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the World has come into a Information era . Skillful technician who are versed in computer programming are in great demand in every trade. With the finishment of eight national research tasks and several provincial projects ,for improving reliability and efficiency of software deveoloping,Research Group members of formalization and automatization software headed by Prof.Xue JinYun have come into being the PAR Method and PAR platform which help to develop the formalization and semi-automatization software.Meanwhile, Algorithm Design Teaching is difficult in computer major teaching field. If a student learns the algorithm design, he will regard programming as collecting of some simple symbols. PAR Method is a formalization method of algorithm design, development and verification, and it is simple and useful. With more students learning PAR Method and PAR Platform , they will improve their algorithm developing efficiency, do programming skillfully ,and regard programming as a kind of labor which makes beauty. It is our best wish.Research in this paper is in the context of the PAR Method and PAR Platform. The research realizes a Network Teaching platform which is named On-line Network Teaching System Using PAR Method Based on Streaming Media Technology(ONSSMT). ONSSMT helps learner develop normative and high-quality program.Main jobs in this paper includes the following aspects: 1 researches the content and application of Streaming Media technology; 2:researches the principle of Windows Media technology which is adopted by ONSSMT; 3: Combining the teaching theory,designs a streaming courseware which introduces PAR Method;4:researches and realizes the roush model of ONSSMT. The key content of streaming courseware for ONSSMT is the PAR Method. ONSSMT is realized by streaming media technology. The Client computers log on the Server computer and then the learners learn the courseware through network. They receives the information continuously.Characteristics of the ONSSMT are as follows: 1: The tool of making the streaming courseware is the software named Courseware Dreaming Factory. It produces the streaming courseware automatically. This software includes the video data from USB Camera, audio data from microphone, and the video data from real-time computer screen;2:The courseware has the characteristic of streaming media. Compared with non-streaming courseware.the quality of video,audio information gained by the Client is improved greatly. Quality of Picture is clear ,color is good, and the voice of teaching teacher is vivid. ONSSMT improves the effect of teaching; 3:Under the guidance of teaching theory, we designs the teaching frame of the courseware,, focus on programming theory and improves the learner’s programming ability, the effect of interactive teaching is obvious;4:The ONSSMT has the characteristics of extension and migration., and accords with the most advanced and popular solving method in network education field at present.

  • 【分类号】TP319
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