

Oral Communicative Training in Middle School’s Chinese Teaching

【作者】 李斡春

【导师】 雷良启;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 语文教育, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 传统的听说教学是从心理学角度提出的,而口语交际则是从言语交际学的角度提出的。中学语文教学将听说改为口语交际,使口语教学的内涵更新更丰富了。但与国外母语教学相比,我国在实际教学中,仍然在走重读写轻口语的老路,造成这种现状的原因是多方面的。 口语与书面语相比,它具有情境性、简约性、灵活性等特点,这使口语交际在人与人交往中占据了重要地位,当今社会的发展,对人们的口语交际能力提出了越来越高的要求,这促使中学语文教学应承担起培养学生口语交际能力的重任。 在中学口语交际教学中,应以语用学为依据,并探求其策略理论。在训练过程中应遵循情境性、互动性、指导示范性的原则,从心理、记忆、思维、策略各个方面进行训练,同时制定出一套科学的评价体系,着重从语言质量、参与表现、策略意识三方面对学生进行评价,并将成绩及时反馈给学生,促进学生口语交际能力的发展。 本文列举了若干教学实例试着从理论和实践上摸索高中语文口语交际教学的规律,努力使口语交际教学走上一条科学之路。

【Abstract】 Traditional listening and speaking teaching was put forward from the angle of psychology, while oral communicative training is put forward from another angle of Language communication.In middle school Chinese teaching will pay more attention to oral communicative training than listening and speaking, which makes oral teaching’s connotation newer and more richful.But compared with native language teaching in foreign countries, we are still paying more attention to reading and writing than oral communicative training in our class teaching. There are a variety of reasons for the present situation.Compare Oral language with written language, it has the characteristics of simplicity,circumstances and flexibility.And oral communication is playing an important role in the people’s association with each other.At present,the development of society demands that people should have higher and higher oral communicative abilities. So middle school’s Chinese teaching should be responsible to the cultivating of middle school student’s oral communicative abilities.In the school, oral communicative teaching should be based on linguistic application and explore its tactical theory. During the course of training the students, oral communicative teaching should follow the priciples of circumstances, interaction,direction and demonstration.we should train the students from each aspect,including their psychology,memory,thinking and tactics.Meanwhile,we should work out a series of scientific evaluation system,which will lay a special emphasis on language’s quality,participation and manifestation,tactical consciousness to evaluate the students.And we should pass back the result to the students in time,which can improve the abilities’ development of students’ oral communication.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】277