

【作者】 王忠铭

【导师】 李龙;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 作为一种解决当事人之间争端的方式,民事诉讼的主要任务是查明案件事实并准确地适用法律,而证据制度是民事诉讼的核心制度之一,在民事诉讼中处于举足轻重的地位。证据制度的完善与否,直接决定着诉讼公正与效率的实现程度,关系着当事人和民众权益的实现与保护,也影响着司法机关的权威和公信力的树立。故此,证据问题一向是诉讼理论中的研究重点,各国学者无不给予极大的关注。 证据法,简而言之,就是以证据证明待证事实的法律,其内容无非是证据与证明两大块。在证明制度中,证明对象是首要的环节。只有明确了证明对象,才能进一步明确由谁负责证明(证明责任),证明到何种程度为止(证明标准),以及如何进行证明(证明程序);也只有明确了证明对象,取证、举证、质证和认证等证明活动才能有的放矢地进行。但是,毋庸讳言,从目前的研究现状看,国内外对这个问题的研究仍显肤浅,而且误区频现。现有的理论成果不仅极大地束缚着司法制度的发展和诉讼价值目标的实现,也远远不能满足如火如荼的证据立法的要求,本文正是为小小地改变这种状况而作。 全文共分五个部分,约3万字。 传统上,我国学界对一个问题的研究习惯于从剖析概念入手,本文没有为了标新立异而另辟蹊径。文章第一部分首先对证明与司法证明、自向证明与他向证明、证明与查明、(广义的)证明对象几个概念进行了界定,尔后指出研究证明对象的意义。这既属于作者在博采众长的基础上一点小小的创造,亦是将证明对象的研究进一步引向深入的基石。 第二部分论述民事诉讼证明对象的三个层次。这是前苏联证据法学者所持的观点,虽然国内证据法学界对之介绍很少(这似乎与前苏联作为一个国家土崩瓦解、烟消云散有关,作者妄猜。),但作者认为前苏联学者的这种研究视角确实为我们更加走近证明对象提供了一条不错的通道。第一层次,抽象存在的证明对象。在此层面上,证明对象从宏观上决定了哪些问题可能成为现实的证明对象,它包括三个方面:法律构成要件;经验法则;法律法规。第二层次,诉讼层面上具体化的证明对象。在此层面上,

【Abstract】 As a method to solve the dispute between the parties, the primary mission of the civil action is to verify the happening fact and judge accurately according to the laws .The evidence system is one of the core systems of civil action, playing a vital role in the civil action. The consummation of the evidence system or not is deciding directly the degree of justice and efficiency of lawsuit, involving in the realization and protection of the parties and the public rights and interests, affecting judicial organ’s authorities and people’s trust also. Therefore, the evidence question is always the key in the lawsuit theory, various countries’ scholars give enormous attention to it.The evidence law, in brief, is one what happened facts are to be proved by the evidence, consisted of nothing but the evidence and the certification. In proof system, the object of proof is the vital link. Only when the object of proof is cleared, we can further make sure who is responsible for burden of proof, what degree facts will be proved, and how the procedure goes on; only when the object of proof is cleared, proving actions such as take-evidence, adduce-evidence, attest and cross-examine can carry on with a clear goal. However, according to the present research, the study home or foreign is still superficial. The writer of this author is to analyze this question and review it deeply.The full article is constituted by five parts, approximately 30,000 characters.In the first part, the writer above all generalizes the concepts of the proving and judicial proving, the proving to himself and proving to others, the detecting and generalized object of proof, then states why we should study it.In the second part, the author divides the object of proof into three levels: the abstract object of proof, the concrete object of proof and the object of proof which need to be proved by evidence. This is a

【关键词】 证明司法证明证明对象
【Key words】 provingjudicial provingobject of proof
  • 【分类号】D925.13
  • 【被引频次】2
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