

【作者】 曾浪

【导师】 江瑞平; 伞锋;

【作者基本信息】 外交学院 , 国际关系, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在第一章对中日贸易和日本对华投资从上个世纪80年代至今各个阶段发展的特点进行分析,具体从两者的增长状态、结构、趋势和相互地位等方面予以解读。并进一步从加工贸易的角度对中日贸易和日本对华投资之间的关系进行初步考察;第二章从产业分工、跨国公司战略演变以及日美两国对华直接投资与贸易关系的对比来探讨中日贸易和日本对华直接投资间的关系。第三章通过对中日两国产业竞争力演变的分析来解读中日贸易结构的演进与中国产业竞争力的关系,并通过对日本对华直接投资与日本产业空洞化之间关系的思考来探讨日本对华直接投资和贸易增长对两国的影响;第四章从新贸易理论和制造业产业的角度分析中日贸易与日本对华投资间的联系继续深化的必然性,并指出它的几种可能途径。

【Abstract】 In its first chapter, this thesis deals with the characteristics of the Sino-Japanese trade and Japan’s FDI to China, whose dynamics, structure, tendency and relative importance to each other was to be outlined, from 1980s to the present day. Further more, the relationship between the Sino-Japanese trade and Japan’s FDI to China was discussed for the first time from the perspective of Processing Trade; In the second chapter, the relationship between Sino-Japanese trade and Japan’s FDI to China was further discussed from the perspectives of division of labor in industry, the evolution of the global strategy of Multinational Companies and the comparison of relationship between Japan and the US on their respective bilateral trade and FDI to China. The third chapter deals with the relationship between the evolution of Sino-Japanese trade structure and the industry competitiveness of China through the analysis of the evolution of industry competitiveness of both countries. The implication of the growth of Japan’s FDI to China and the bilateral trade to the two countries was further discussed through the analysis of the relationship between Japan’s FDI to China and Japan’s Industry Hollowing-out. The fourth chapter did the analysis of the inevitability of the further deepening of relationship between Sino-Japanese trade and Japan’s FDI to China from the perspectives of the New Trade Theory and manufacturing industry, and several possible ways of this deepening of relationship was pointed out.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 外交学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 11期
  • 【分类号】F752.7
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】594