

Research on Monitoring System of Orchard Environment Based on Virtual Instrument Technology

【作者】 袁媛

【导师】 李绍稳;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 果树学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 在果园的生产管理中,环境对果树的生长发育、栽培技术的实施、病虫害的预防等产生极其重要的影响。数据采集是环境监测的重要组成部分,但长期以来,果园环境监测普遍采用人工方式,这种传统的数据采集方法耗时耗力,时效性差,而且容易受到干扰,准确性不高。虚拟仪器技术为数据的自动采集和远程实时监测提供了一种理想的解决方案。因此,基于虚拟仪器技术的果园生态环境信息采集与远程监测,对于指导果园实际生产具有十分重要的意义。虚拟仪器强调“软件就是仪器”的新概念,在以计算机为核心所组成的硬件平台上,利用其显示功能虚拟仪器控制面板,测试分析功能由软件实现的一种计算机仪器系统。虚拟仪器具有数据采集、数据分析处理、结果输出显示三大基本功能,而数据的实时自动采集是其最基本功能。虚拟仪器可由用户自己定义、设计测试功能,因此,其功能灵活,容易构建,应用极为广泛。LabVIEW是美国国家仪器公司推出的一种基于G语言(Graphical Programming Language)的虚拟仪器软件开发平台,是目前开发效率较高的一种图形化语言。本文首先概述了课题的研究背景和研究意义,接着阐述了虚拟仪器技术及应用发展趋势,着重介绍了LabVIEW虚拟仪器开发平台。最后,论述了基于该平台设计研制的果园生态环境实时数据采集系统与远程监测系统,为果园生态环境的实时监控提供一条新的途径。本文研究工作的主要内容及关键技术如下:探讨了虚拟仪器的理论和技术,分析了LabVIEW虚拟仪器开发平台及其应用现状,深入研究了虚拟仪器在果园生态环境监控中应用的可行性和必要性。针对果园生态环境采样速率的要求,提出了果园生态环境实时数据采集的设计方案和系统实现的关键技术。系统通过串行端口实现计算机对仪器的控制,而LabVIEW通过VISA节点来实现串行通信。LabVIEW的模块化设计和多线程并行运行技术简化了程序的开发,提高了程序的运行效率。基于环境传感器及数据采集模块等硬件设备,以LabVIEW软件平台为核心,研制完成了果园生态环境实时数据采集系统。该系统具有稳定、可靠、操作界面友好的特点,实现了果园生态环境因子信息的自动获取、实时显示、处理分析、记录存储等功能。在深入研究DataSocket技术和Remote Panels技术的基础上,探讨果园生态环境数据的远程传输、共享和发布机制,实现了网络化果园生态环境的在线监测和控制。

【Abstract】 Environment is a vital impact for the growth of fruit trees, implementation of cultivation technology, the prevention of plant diseases and insect pests. Data acquisition is an important part of environment monitoring. But long time, orchard environment monitoring commonly was obtained by means of artificial means, which wasted time and human resources, and was easy to get the external influence. Efficiency was poor. Virtual instrument technology provides a perfect solution for data acquisition automatically and real-time monitoring remotely. Therefore, data acquisition and remote monitoring of orchard environment based on virtual instrument is of great significance for directing actual production of the orchard.Virtual instrument emphasizes a new concept that software is the instrument, which is a computer instrument system that software based on user requirements defines general-purpose measurement and control hardware functionality. Virtual instrument have three basic functions including data acquisition, data analysis, result output and display, but real-time data acquisition automatically is the best basic function. Virtual instrument can define and design test function by users, so which function is richness, are easy to construct, and is used widely. LabVIEW is a virtual instrument development platform of NI Company made based on graphical programming language, which is the development of high efficiency of a graphical language at present.In this paper, we firstly summarized the background and significance of the research, then we expounded virtual instrument technology and its development tendency, and emphasized LabVIEW development platform. Finally, we realized real-time and remote monitoring system of orchard environment based on LabVIEW, which breaks a new approach.The main content and key technology on our research work is as followings:We discussed the theory and technology of virtual instrument, analyzed LabVIEW development platform and its application status, and lucubrated feasibility and necessary of application that virtual instrument was used in orchard environment monitoring.According to requirement of orchard environment sample speed, we advanced the project of real-time data acquisition of orchard environment and key technology of system realizing. The system realized that computer controlled instrument by RS232 serial, but LabVIEW realized serial communication by VISA node. Block design and multithreading synchronization processing technology simplified development of program and advanced running efficiency of program.Based on hardware equipment of some sensors and data acquisition module etc., we completed real-time data acquisition system of orchard environment taking LabVIEW as the core. The system has stable, reliable, interface-friendly characteristic, which realized automatic acquisition, real-time display, analysis, storage and so on of orchard environment information.On the basis of lucubrating DataSocket and Remote Panels technology, we discussed remote transfers, sharing and issuance of orchard environment data, which realized on-line monitoring and controlling of network of orchard environment.

  • 【分类号】S126;S66
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】394