

【作者】 李鹏鹰

【导师】 尹铁超;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 英语语言文学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 对比语言学是当代语言学研究的一种热门趋势。目前,对英俄语的句法结构对比研究尚少。本文正是在这种情况下,对英俄名词的修饰语的不同结构进行全面系统地对比分析。对英俄的名词的修饰语的不同句法结构进行专门地对比研究,在国内外还是首次。我之所以选择这个题目是因为它在外语教学上对外语专业学生学习第一外语和第二外语很有适用性。本文主要把Chomsky的名词短语结构规则模式的理论应用于对比语言学中,并在共时语言条件下,进行单向英俄名词的修饰语对比。总结出各自的公式,然后对比英俄语名词修饰语的形式、位置、作用、功能、语法意义、读的形式和写的形式,通过对比找出它们的异同。针对英俄语的不同方面,我们要注意英语对俄语的干扰和影响以及如何避免这种干扰和影响。

【Abstract】 Contrastive linguistics is a popular trend in the field of modern linguistic research.At present,the contrastive study of English and Russian syntactic structure is rarely involved.It is under such circumstance that this thesis attempts to make a systematic contrastive study of the syntactic structure of the modifiers in terms of the nouns between English and Russian.It is for the first time in China and Abroad that the special contrastive study of the different syntactic structure of the modifiers in terms of the nouns between English and Russian.I choose this topic because it has practical property for the students majored in foreign language to study the first foreign language and the second foreign language in terms of the foreign language teaching. This paper mainly applies the theory of the mode of Chomsky’s noun phrase structure rules to the contrastive linguistics,and the modofiers of one-way contrast between English and Russian noun under the synchronical language, and then we conclude individual formula. Then we find their differences and similarities through contrasting their forms、 positions、 effects、 functions、 grammatical meanings、reading forms and writing forms. From different aspects between English and Russian, we must pay more attention to the influence and interference between English and Russian, and how to escape from the influence and interference between English and Russian.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
  • 【分类号】H314;H35
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】203