

【作者】 戴江维

【导师】 向涛;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 行政管理, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 公共部门的绩效评估始于20世纪50年代美国的绩效预算制度。20世纪70年代以来西方国家普遍开展的政府改革使绩效管理在政府管理中得到广泛的运用。20世纪80年代中期,西方国家为应对科学技术的飞速发展、全球化和国际竞争日益加剧的环境条件,为解决财政赤字,树立公共部门对社会公众提供有效的、有回应力的、高质量服务的形象,普遍采取了以公共责任和顾客至上为理念的公共部门绩效评估改革措施。与西方国家相比,我国对公共部门绩效评估特别是政府部门绩效评估的研究和实践起步较晚。随着行政体制改革的不断深入和公众民主参政、议政程度的不断提高,也为了适应我国加入WTO后国际激烈的竞争环境,迫切要求政府部门树立自己是公共服务的提供者的思想,改进办事作风、提高办事效率、提高服务质量,逐步建立起一套规范化、系统化、制度化、科学化的绩效评估体系。 近些年来,我国在成功加入WTO,社会对政府绩效日渐关注以及世界掀起公共部门绩效评估浪潮的背景下,逐渐开始将政府绩效评估提上工作日程。特别是在当前“三个代表”以及“科学发展观”、“正确政绩观”的理论指导下,许多研究者和管理者己积极投身于政府绩效评估研究和实践探索行列之中。政府绩效评估是指对政府组织运行过程以及运行结果表现进行价值判断的活动,是政府管理的重要组成部分。科学、合理的绩效评估体系对政府绩效评估具有非常重要的作用,而绩效评估模式是对政府绩效评估体系的核心内容。本文中,主要针对于地方政府的绩效评估,就绩效评估模式中的主题、维度和指标体系三个方面展开了深入探讨。 本文主要运用政府绩效和公共部门绩效评估的理论来构建全文。文中指出了该由谁去评估政府绩效,评估的主题是什么,从哪几个角度进行绩效评估以及评估要遵循什么样的指标等内容。通过我国不同地区的政府部门绩效评估实践分析,发现了绩效评估实践工作中存在的一些主要问题并提出了解决的途径,努力使文章所研究的主要内容形成一套比较系统的理论体系,能够对政府绩效评估的实践工作具有一定的指导意义。

【Abstract】 The performance evaluation of the public section began from the budget system of the United States in 1950s. The widespread reforms of the western countries government has made the performance management applied extensively since 1970s. In the Middle of 1980s, in order to reply to the quickly technical development, the environment of globalization and international competition increasingly, and the solution of deficit, the setting up of high quantity service image to the social public, the western countries have widely taken the reform measures of performance evaluation with the principle of public duty and customer supremacy. Compared with the western countries, the government section performance evaluation of our country, especially the research and practice of the performance evaluation of the public section started late. Along with the continuously reform of the administration system and the increasing degree of the participation of the public democracy, it is necessary for the government section to the set up the thought of service , improve the style of work, increase the efficiency of work and service quantity in order to adapt to the international vigorous competition environment after the join of WTO, and gradually establish a set of standard, systematized, systemized, scientific system of performance evaluation.During these years, with the background of the successful WTO affiliation, the gradually society attention and the world wave of the performance evaluation in the public section, our country government has put the performance evaluation to the top agenda. Especially with the current theories of "three representatives", "the right scientism development ", and "the view of development ", many researchers and governor have already positively join in the research and practice of the government performance evaluation.The government performance evaluation is the value judgment activity of the movement process and result of the government organization, which is an important

【关键词】 政府公共部门绩效评估指标体系
【Key words】 governmentthe public sectionperformancevaluationindex system
  • 【分类号】D625
  • 【被引频次】3
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