

Analysis and Predict on Causes of the Water Variation of Ebinur Lake Area in Recent 20 Years

【作者】 吴佩钦

【导师】 金海龙;

【作者基本信息】 新疆师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 为了解艾比湖入湖水量情况,1988年博乐水文水资源勘测大队和中国科学院新疆地理研究所科研人员对艾比湖进行环湖考察。经访问调查,奎屯河于70年代末,已无地表水进入艾比湖。艾比湖北部各小河,只在夏季洪水期有少量洪水进入干涸的小湖区,形成小面积的水域,而且在短时间内蒸发散失。入湖的地表径流,绝大部分来自博尔塔拉河和精河。20世纪80年代以来,艾比湖水面面积持续增大,城区生态环境明显改善,与60、70年代水面面积急剧缩小、城区生态环境严重恶化形成鲜明对比。60年代以后,人类的农业活动对湖面变化的影响趋向稳定,流域温度、降水变化对湖面波动所产生的效应敏感地体现出来。80、90年代入湖径流增加,湖面总体扩展,两者变化基本一致。上世纪末到本世纪初,艾比湖面积的较大幅度扩展,与流域温度、降水的变化密切相关,是近期气候变化的响应。然而,近年的人类活动仍然不可忽视。不同于上世纪60年代的人类活动作用的影响,近期由于西部大开发战略的实施,退地还草、限制放牧、滴灌农业的推广等措施都将有利于流域农业耗水量降低,从而增加入湖径流量。这一阶段湖泊水面急剧增加是气候干湿变化的自然现象,与农业节水因素没有显著的关系。近期河流处在多年丰水期,未来两年将持续丰水期,河流水量会增加,入湖水量也将增加。未来30年将转入平水期,河流水量会减少,入湖水量也将减少。博河支流乌尔达克赛河上乌尔达克赛水库建成,精河下天吉水库将建成,又会人为造成入湖水量减少。由博乐水文水资源勘测大队负责,于1988年6月,在新疆生产建设兵团农五师90团4连大桥处设立博尔塔拉河入湖水量观测站,在82团养殖连大桥处设立精河入湖水量观测站,经过多年来的观测,并对观测资料进行整编、分析、计算、得出各年进入艾比湖的地表径流量,每年发布《艾比湖入湖水量分析》。1989—1993年5年中,平均每年流人艾比湖的地表径流量为4.64x108m3。其中博尔塔拉河流人艾比湖的地表径流量为3.31X108m3,占地表水入湖总水量71.3%;精河流人艾比湖的地表径流量1.33x108m3,占28.7%。针对艾比湖入湖水量近20 a变化过程,考虑近年流域人类活动对艾比湖湖面波动的效应及其强度的评估,艾比湖水量平衡关系,着重建立湖泊降水补给(无植物水面区降水直接转化为湖泊水体、沼泽芦苇区、旱地芦苇区等分区降水量)、入湖河流的有效补给(博河、90团五支渠及90团总排干渠和精河)、地下潜水层的地下径流补给(潜水与承压层之间有巨厚的黏土隔水层,潜水与承压水之

【Abstract】 In order to survey the water of the Ebinur Lake, Xinjiang geography research institute of the Science Academy of China with the research group of Bole County anticipate surrounding the lake investigating the water amount situation in 1988. After the investigation, the river in Kuitun has not the surface water going into Ebinur from 70’s to now. Ebinur every stream in the north , merely possess the a little flood water in the summer season to go into the sun dry little lake district , makes the little water area , and the water evaporates in briefly time to to be lost. Entry of the earth’s surface water, originates profoundly from the Bortalanur and Jinghe River. Since the 80’s 20 centuries, Ebinur’s area continuees to broaden. The city proper ecology environment obvious improved. Compared with 60’s and 70’s, the area of a body of water area sharply lessens and the city environment seriously deteriorates to take shape the distinctive comparison. After the 60’s, the effect inclines to steady that farming production changes to the area of the lake. River basin temperature and rainfall changes fluctuate to the surface of the lake, and the effect coming into being sensitively displays out. 80, 90 years the runoff into lake adds, and surface of the lake total is spreaded, and two changes keep unanimously[23]. Reached in the first end of the century and the beginning of the century, that Ebinur surface spreads correlation with the change of the river basin temperature and the rainfall alternation. It is the answer of the climate changes in the near future. However, the past few years mankind maneuver is yet very important. Distinct mankind’s effect of the 60’s, because of greatly opened up strategy implementation in the west in the near future, retreating the straw and limiting to pasture and usage of trickle irrigation, that each steps such as above and so on wholly shall benefit to the farming water amount to be saved, thereby add into the amount of flow in lake. In this fragment the reason that the area of Ebinur spreaded so quickly is about the change of wet and dry according the nature phenomen and have the strong relationship with the usage of water in the Vegetation. In recent years the area is covered in more rain, in the next two years it is still more rain. As the result the runoff of the lake will be more. But in the future 30

【关键词】 艾比湖水面变化预测
【Key words】 Abinur lakeAnalysis and previewwater variationreasons
  • 【分类号】P343.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】336