

【作者】 雷利军

【导师】 丁兴富;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着素质教育的推进、新课标的颁布以及新课程的实施,现代教育技术已经被广泛应用于教育领域,成为推进新一轮课程改革和学科教学改革的突破口。然而,在众多先进的技术和理念面前,中小学一线教师更多的是感到迷茫和困惑,并且产生了许多疑问。如何才能解除困惑以及回答他们心中的疑问,除了让中小学教师掌握先进的教育教学理论以及相关的信息技术以外,更为重要的是需要为他们的教学实践提供一些操作性很强并且便于进行二次创新的范式,也就是进行基于信息技术与课程整合思想的教学模式的研究。 通过大量的文献调研和近两年(从04年4月开始至今)在实验校的教学指导实践经验,本人发现信息技术在中小学英语学科中的应用仍然主要停留在内容展示工具上,有关信息技术与中小学英语学科教学整合的教学模式研究比较零星、规范性不足且可操作性不强。而且,在实践中,外语教学忽视语言的本质功能即交际性,并且与培养学生思维、发展学生智能相脱离。本研究在多元智能、语觉论等理论的指导下,依据英语新课程改革的理念,借鉴了信息技术与外语学科教学整合研究的理论和实践经验,立足于培养学生对所学语言知识的综合运用能力以及促进学生多元智能的发展,运用演绎法与归纳法相结合的方式构建了交互白板环境下的小学英语言语交际型教学模式,而且从学生课堂参与和发展的情况探讨了模式的应用效果。值得一提的是,本研究所采用的信息技术工具——交互白板,被认为是未来课堂教学中信息技术与学科课程整合的主流技术媒体。 模式构建和改进的过程,也是本人与实验校教师进行合作模式行动研究的过程,主要通过课堂观察、观察笔记、教师教学心得、课后对师生进行访谈、教学案例分析以及辅以一定的问卷调查等方法进行数据收集,在收集相关数据的基础上,对模式不断改进,为小学英语教师开展信息技术与小学英语学科教学整合提供了有益的借鉴。

【Abstract】 With the development of quality-oriented education and issuance of new curriculum standards and actualization of new curriculum , modern instructional technology has been implied into education, becoming the breach of the new round of course and teaching reform. However, in face of the advanced technology and pedagogical methods, the teachers of primary and middle schools feel confused and puzzled. It is believed that the solution to their confusion not only relies on their mastering of advanced pedagogical methods and modern instructional technology, but also on employment of a model which can provide practical instructions with the potential of development and creativity. That means it is more essential to study models of teaching based on the idea of integrating Information Technology(IT) into curriculum.Through large amount of literary survey and two years’ tutelage of teaching in the experimental schools(from April 2004 to now), it is found that the implication of IT in primary and middle schools is only limited to presentation of teaching contents, while instruction model of integrating IT into curriculum is rarely studied and poorly regulated. What’s more, foreignlanguage teaching ignores the nature of language--communication, separates fromcultivation of students’ thinking ability and development of their multiple intelligence. As a result, for solving this problem, a communicative model of English teaching in the primary school is established with the implication of the Interactive White Board(IWB). Based on the theories of Multiple Intelligence and Inborn Language Sense, it integrates ideas of new curriculum reform and successful experiments of integrating IT into English teaching by means of deduction and induction.The study also discusses the result of use of the new model according to the students’ participation and development degree. More importantly, IWB is employed, which is regarded as a major medium in the future classroom teaching and learning.Establishment and improvement of the model is indebted to the action research of cooperation between the experimentalist and the teachers of experimental schools. Through the classroom observations, diaries, teachers’ reflections, interviews with teachers and students after class, case study and questionnaires, the data is collected for improving the model and providing the beneficial experiment for integrating IT into English teaching in the primary school.

  • 【分类号】G623.31
  • 【被引频次】27
  • 【下载频次】1506