

The Design and Realization of Military Academy Equipment Purchase System Based on Collaborative E-Commerce

【作者】 吴永辉

【导师】 李孟军;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 协同电子商务是信息时代商务模式的实质性变革,是未来贸易方式的发展方向。其实施涉及到社会信用体系、法律环境、经济秩序诸方面,是一个与社会大环境息息相关并独具完整结构体系的系统工程。协同电子商务是整个电子商务的一个组成部分,它与传统商务相比具有明显优势。随着计算机与通信技术的飞速发展,协同电子商务的开展势在必行。论文在科学系统分析国防科技大学设备采购管理需求的基础上,结合当前协同电子商务领域的先进技术,设计了基于协同电子商务的军队院校设备采购系统。该系统具有操作简单、可交互性好等特点,能有效地提高设备采购工作效率。论文结合学校设备采购部门的业务处理流程,详细分析了网络协同设备采购系统主要功能需求和系统使用人员需求,对设备采购系统功能结构和数据流程进行了详细设计。选用Oracle数据库系统,利用J2EE语言设计了操作简单、使用性强、界面友好、有良好扩展性的设备采购系统。为满足系统安全稳定运行的需要,提出了网络安全保障策略和实施方法。该系统建立了基础数据库并按权限共享,通过网络技术实现系统数据传输;加强了安全设施管理等功能。

【Abstract】 Collaborative E-commerce stands for essential change of commerce pattern under the information age and orients the development of trade mode. Its application, which will involve in social credit system, legal environment, economic order and so on, is associated close with society environment and is a systems engineering with integrated construction. collaborative commerce website is a part of collaborative commerce and has obvious superiority to traditional commerce. With rapid development of computer and communication technique, collaborative commerce will become necessary trend for trade activities.After analyzing the equipnent purchase need of National University of Defense Technology,combining with advanced technology of E-COMMERCE,this thesis designs the equipment purchase system based on collaborative E-commerce .This system is friendly and simple operated,which can improve the employment efficiency.With the operation process of univerity equipment purchase department, this thesis studied the mostly function need of purchase system and user need.It also designed particalur structure function of purchase system.With J2EE, The purchase system possesses advantages such as simple operation, better practicability and friendly interface.

  • 【分类号】E251;G647;F713.36
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】160