

The Design and Research of the Three Stations Vertical Injection Equipment for Rubber Stator of Screw Drill and Screw Pump and Simulation of 3D Dynamic Process

【作者】 袁京鹏

【导师】 吕柏源;

【作者基本信息】 青岛科技大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 螺杆钻具和螺杆泵因其设备费用低、节约能耗、安装调试方便等优点在油田生产中得到广泛应用,然而作为其核心部件的橡胶定子在现有技术条件下,生产设备仍然存在诸多不足:一是细长定子在水平注射时产生大挠度,导致定子与转子轴线严重偏差;二是注射机喷嘴的压合装置与注射机轴线的非重合性形成偏心力矩:三是平面运动机构的滑块平面与注射机产生的轴向力相平行,降低运动机构使用寿命。由此影响了螺杆钻具和螺杆泵的推广和使用。 通过对橡胶注射成型装置的工作原理和现有橡胶定子成型设备的优点和不足的研究,本文在一步法旋转注射原理基础上,针对现有技术的缺点,设计了一种全新的螺杆钻具和螺杆泵橡胶定子的三工位立式注射成型设备。对此,本课题着重做了如下工作: 1、首次设计了橡胶定子注射成型设备的立式结构,利用重力原理,克服了定子与转子轴线的偏差问题,减少原有技术繁琐的操作过程,保证芯模不变形,进而有效地简化了工艺过程,提高了橡胶定子合格率和生产效率。 2、首次设计了橡胶定子注射成型设备的三工位移动装置,可最大限度地发挥注射装置的效能,大大提高生产效率,降低生产成本,设备结构紧凑,占地面积小。 3、设计了一种无偏心力矩的压合装置,保证压合装置轴线、注射机轴线和橡胶定子模具轴线三线重合。克服现有技术因压合装置和注射机装置轴线不重合产生的力矩而影响设备寿命和产品质量问题,并使得滑块平面与注射机产生的轴向力相平衡,从而保证设备工作可靠性,延长其使用寿命。 4、采用了螺杆旋转式(一步法)成型装置,解决了传统方法对大容量橡胶定子不能注射成型的问题,实现了对橡胶定子的一步法注射。

【Abstract】 Screw drills and screw pumps are more and more widely used to satisfy the needs of the production of oil field ,because they have many advantages ,such as they are cheaper ,consume less energy ,and are more convenient to assemble and debug and rubber stators are their hard-core components .But the existing equipments which are used to make rubber stator have many disadvantages: firstly ,the leptosomatic stator will make a obvious bending deflection when they are injected; secondly, pressure equipment will bring gauche moment because of the non-superposition in axes between the pressure equipment and injection machine; thirdly ,the face of locomotive die is paralleled to the axial force brought by injection machine, which debase the equipment’s life-span. Screw drills or screw pumps are seriously restricted by the traditional backward producing method.By the research on the principle of the rubber injection molding equipments and the advantages and the disadvantages of the molding equipments of screw pumps rubber stator ,on the base of one step principle and the power consume of press equipment ,we designed a new machine which named three stations vertical injection equipment for rubber stator of screw drill or screw pump .The following work will be done:1. Vertical injection is first used in injection machine which is used in producing rubber stators .this technique overcomes the problems of bending deflection, predigests technical course and improves the eligible rate and productivity.2. The three stations locomotive equipment is fist used in injection machine

  • 【分类号】TQ330
  • 【被引频次】2
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