

Spanish Jews during 10-12~(th) Century

【作者】 沈喜彭

【导师】 沈坚;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 世界史, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 犹太人的“第二圣殿”于公元70年被罗马军团摧毁后,犹太人便开始了其四处流散的历史。在流散期间,犹太人虽屡遭歧视与迫害,可他们似乎总能找到某个比较有利于生存与发展的地方。如果说15~16世纪的波兰及当代的美国是这样的一个地方的话,那么在10~12世纪,西班牙便成为了这样的一个地方。西班牙不仅为犹太人提供了生存与繁衍的处所,还在这一时期为他们搭建了一个被称为“犹太文化黄金时代”的历史舞台。犹太文化的繁荣,固然与西班牙犹太人自身的努力有关,却也得宜于他们当时所处的有利政治、经济及文化环境。因此,本文不局限于对西班牙犹太人在文化层面的探讨,还对其在这一时期的政治、经济状况也进行了探求。除绪言和结语外,全文分四章进行论述。 绪言部分,主要交代了本篇论文的研究价值及国内外学者关于本选题的研究状况。论文指出,中世纪的西班牙犹太人问题,正是国外学者研究的热点;有大量作品相继问世,可能受材料制约的原因,他们似乎对宏观历史的研究较感兴趣,通史较多。尚未发现国内学者在西班牙犹太人方面的专题研究作品。 正文部分,分为四章。 第一章主要探讨了10世纪以前,犹太人在西班牙的历史境况,并对10~12世纪犹太人在西班牙的人口数量、社区分布和职业状况进行了评述。论文指出,无论是在罗马帝国统治时期、西哥特王国统治时期,还是在穆斯林统治时期,犹太人在初期都受到了宽待。10~12世纪的西班牙,聚居了众多的犹太人,有些城市几乎半数居民都是犹太人。和其他地方的犹太人一样,西班牙犹太人也多乐意在犹太社区居住,他们几乎不受任何限制地从事各种职业,既从事农业生产,也在政府部门任职。 第二章主要对10~12世纪西班牙犹太人的政治状况进行了论述。文章指出,基督教西班牙与穆斯林西班牙的对峙及这两个集团内部成员的互相攻伐,使得这一时期的西班牙,在政治上呈现出一种四分五裂的局面。这种局面的出现,给犹太人带来了一些创伤,但带给他们更多的却是“渔人之利”。无论基督教统治者,还是穆斯林统治者,为增强自己的实力,都希望获得犹太人的支持,因此他们大都对犹太人采取了相对宽容的统治政策。在这种宽松的政治背景下,许多犹太人得以在基督教西班牙及穆斯林西班牙的政府部门任职。本章最后指出,正

【Abstract】 Soon after Jewish "Second Temple" was destroyed by Roman corps in 70 A.D, Came the Diaspera of the Jewish people. Though Jews suffered a lot during the Diaspera, it seemed that, they always could found the best place for them to live in. Such as Poland in 15-16th Century, and America nowadays, So was the Spain in 10-12tb Century. During this time, Spain not only offered Spanish Jews a good place to live in, but also built a stage named "Golden Age" of Jewish culture. The Prosperity of Jewish culture during this time, due to not only the effort of them, but also depended on the favorable political, economical and cultural conditions. Hence, this essay discussed both Jewish culture, Jewish political status and Jewish economic activities. Besides the preface and epilogue, there are four chapters.In preface, I explained the value of this essay first, and then described both the overseas and domestic study on the topic "Spanish Jews" in the history. The essay pointed out that the "Spanish Jews" has always been a hotspot. However, it seemed like that they preferred the long-time history study to short-time history study, as a result of the lack of data. As for the domestic works, I haven’t found any so far. Four Chapters constitute this thesis.Chapter one mainly discussed the Spanish Jew before 10 century, and their number, distributing, and jobs during the 10-12th century. The essay pointed out that during the early stage of the history, Jewish people lived a happy life either in Rome times, Visigoth time or in Muslin times. There was a large number of Jews. Half of the residents were Jews in some cities at this period. Like somewhere else, Jews enjoyed living in Jewish communities, they could do any job they liked to do, and there were also many Jews grew crops and engaged in government affairs, some of them even got a very high position.Chapter two mainly described the political condition of the Spanish Jews. The description indicated that Spain had been broken up due to the war between

【关键词】 犹太人西班牙犹太文化黄金时代
【Key words】 JewsJewish cultureGolden AgeSpain
  • 【分类号】K551
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】522