

Study on River Water Environmental Capacity in Yizheng

【作者】 霍瑜斌

【导师】 刘臣辉;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 农业水土工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对仪征市水环境和污染源的现状作了较为全面的调查和评价,结合相关发展规划要求,划分出6个水污染控制单元,对此进行归类解析,确定本市主要河流均以有机污染为主,并选取CODMn和CODCr为本文主控因子。在此基础上,选取水质模型和水环境容量计算模型,对仪征市主要河流进行水环境容量计算,并进行了总量控制与分配方案的应用研究。根据河流的水文特征,不同河流选定满足其适用条件的水质模型和水环境容量模型,其中长江仪征段参考已有成果选用二维非稳态模型,仪扬河选用一维稳态模型,其他内河选用水库型河流模型。①对于仪扬河控制单元采用现场两点实测法,计算出上下游监测断面的最小距离,并通过现场勘察确定具体地址,以保证实验操作要求和降低外来因素影响,求解出该单元内河流的CODMn和CODCr降解参数分别为0.13d-1和0.28d-1,并用近三年水文、水质监测资料对模型加以验证和灵敏度分析,结果满足使用要求;对其他控制单元的河流则采用实验室培养测定法,测定第1-10d的水样水质变化,求解其室内降解参数,进行室内外系数修正,求得室外CODMn和CODCr降解系数如下:胥浦河0.12d-1、0.33d-1,龙河0.10d-1、0.38d-1,沿山河0.10d-1、0.41d-1,仪城河0.12d-1、0.45d-1,并均予以验证和灵敏度分析,且结果满足使用要求。②在确定降解参数的基础上,运用相应水环境容量模型建立水环境容量与流量(水位)、河流水质浓度在不同保证率下的关系曲线,求解出参数分别在10%、25%、50%、75%、90%条件下各河流或河段的水环境容量值,这是实施自动化监测控制方案的必要工作和前提条件。③本文以流量(水位)90%保证率、水质浓度50%保证率为例进行计算说明,长江仪征段Ⅱ单元、仪扬河Ⅰ、Ⅱ单元、胥浦河、龙河、沿山河、仪城河CODCr的水环境容量分别为15190t/a、2926.21t/a、764.78t/a、532.07t/a、502.15t/a、82.65t/a、63.52t/a。通过对各控制单元污染物预测排放量与允许排放量的比较,不同控制单元应不同对待:长江仪征段Ⅱ单元、仪扬河Ⅰ、Ⅱ单元和龙河等河流的剩余可利用水环境容量分别为12402.73t/a、2926.21t/a、726.09t/a、502.15t/a,可以合理开发利用;胥浦河、沿山河剩余345.37t/a和64.3t/a,宜采取以控制为主、适度开发利用的原则;仪城河自身水环境容量小,且现状纳污量超出其水环境容量1870.7t/a,必须进行削减。

【Abstract】 This paper first did overall field investigation and assessment of the water environment and pollutant resource. There were six water pollution control-units to be explained in detail. Based on it ,the water quality models and the water environment capacity models was selected. The rivers were mainly polluted by organic compound, so we took CODMn and CODCr as the principle components.The water quality models and the water environment capacity models were established by the rivers flow characteristics.For example, a model of two-dimensional unsteady state was used in Yizheng section of Yangtze River, a model of one-dimensional steady state was used in Yiyang River, and a reservoir river model was used in the other rivers.①A method of two points mensuration was adopted in Yiyang River. It should be figured out the least distance and selected spot position. The degradation coefficient of CODMn and CODCr was established, which was 0.10d-1 and 0.28d-1.The coefficient was also identified with the data of last three years. A method of simulation in constant temperature circumstance was adopted in other rivers. it’s titers were mensurated from 1 to 10 days continuously. From them, we got degradation coefficients of CODMn and CODCr in constant temperature circumstance and modified them to be seasoned with practical, which were:Xupu River 0.12d-1 and 0.33d-1,Long River 0.10d-1 and 0.41d-1,Yanshan River 0.10d-1 and 0.41d-1,Yicheng River 0.12d-1 and 0.45d-1.It was also identified and got a sensitivity analysis.②Based on the degradation coefficients, we can get the rivers’water environmental capacity with different flow(water level) and water concentration probability at level of 10%,25%,50%,75%,90%. It’s necessary and important to put mensurateing automatically in practice.③In this paper, It took 90% of flow(water level) and 50% of water concentration for example. We can get water environmental capacity such as Yizheng section of Yangtze River, sectionⅠandⅡof Yiyang River, Xupu River, Long River, Yanshan River and Yicheng River, which were 15190t/a,2926.21t/a,764.78t/a, 532.07t/a,502.15t/a,82.65t/a and 63.52t/a.From the results, we knew that the water environmental capacity in Yizheng was relatively richer as a whole. But, the capacity in different section had different quantity. For example, the residual capacity in Yizheng section of Yangtze River, sectionⅠandⅡof Yiyang River and Long River were more richer, they also can be used more than 12402.73t/a,2926.21t/a,726.09t/a and 502.15t/a. While Xupu River and Yanshan River’s had a few residual capacity about 345.37t/a and 64.3t/a.It should be controlled the total quantity strictly. At last, There was lack of water environmental capacity in Yicheng River. It was accommodated a large quantity of industry wastewater and living sewage yet. So it must be reduced CODCr 1870.7t/a at least.Finally, the result of water environmental capacity and forecast of the development of industry were utilized in this paper to total quantity distribute in industry with discharge coefficient method. It should be reduced from 3.62kg/10,000 Yuan to 1.28kg/10,000 Yuan. And total quantity of distribution would be increased from 1828.02t to 1929.05t, which was increased 5.53%. Ulteriorly, this paper also provided the discharge coefficients about major industries. It can be restraining parameters for total quantity distribute.This Paper,according to the water environment capacity calculating process,selected the models of water quality model and water environment capacity model with reason, and designed the experimentation in order to evaluating parameter of water quality with handily. Based on it, it was calculated the dynamic water environment capacities of Yizheng’s rivers, which were used in

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
  • 【分类号】X26
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】403