

Study on Defense to Patent Infringement

【作者】 陈兆明

【导师】 冯菊萍;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法学院 , 法律, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 专利制度的设立是以保护专利权人的利益为出发点的,“为天才之火添加利益的燃料”,这使专利权的激励机制得以充分展现。但专利制度的归宿却是社会的整体利益。因此,在保护专利权人个体利益的同时,应当建立配套的调节与约束机制,以实现专利权人个体利益与社会整体利益的协调与平衡。我国在建立专利制度的初期,较多地强调保护专利权人的利益是必要的,这有助于鼓励创新,但经过20多年的发展,我国专利制度的建设已颇具规模,对专利权保护的整体水平已达到一定高度,这时,强调对社会整体利益的保护就显得非常必要。本文试图从实现社会整体利益的目的出发,站在被控侵权人的角度(包括从公众的角度)来讨论与专利侵权抗辩有关的法律问题。分析我国当前专利侵权与抗辩体制,以及存在的问题,同时提出相应的应对策略及立法建议。本文共分三章:第一章,对专利侵权行为的构成要件及认定进行深入剖析,为分析专利侵权抗辩事由做充分准备。本章共分四节:第一节阐明专利权的概念、特征以及专利法的性质;第二节论述专利侵权行为及其责任构成要件,并阐明其区别于一般侵权行为的特征;第三节论述发明、实用新型专利侵权行为的认定。阐明如何根据权利要求确定专利保护范围,如何适用全面覆盖原则、等同原则、多余指定原则来认定专利侵权是否成立,并对实施从属专利是否构成侵权进行了分析;第四节讨论外观设计专利侵权认定问题。第二章,结合国内外立法以及各种观点、学说详细分析专利侵权的抗辩事由。本章共分六节:第一节专利无效抗辩分析。首先阐明专利权无效抗辩的法律依据和立法宗旨,然后讨论请求宣告专利权无效的理由,最后分析现行专利权无效宣告请求审理模式中存在的问题;第二节讨论不认为侵权的法定事由。结合《专利法》第63条,对几种不认为侵权的法定事由进行法理探讨与适用分析;第三节时效抗辩分析。介绍专利诉讼时效抗辩适用的一般原则,并阐明超过二年诉讼时效的专利侵权行为如何认定;第四节公知技术抗辩分析。阐明公知技术抗辩的概念、意义、适用范围以及具体适用;第五节禁止反悔原则抗辩。分析禁止反悔原则的概念、意义、适用范围以及具体适用;第六节合同抗辩分析。结合相关司法解释与民法原理对合同抗辩的可行性加以分析。第三章,分析我国目前在专利侵权抗辩问题上存在的不足之处,提出几点立法与司法建议。包括制定、完善相关法律法规,防止专利权人权利滥用;建立专利侵权诉讼案件中专利无效判定的司法审查权;加深对知识产权国际公约的理解,积极参与知识产权国际规范的制定与修改。

【Abstract】 The patent system is initially established for the purpose of protecting the patentee’s interest.“The patent system added the fuel of interest to the fire of genius”, which makes the stimulation mechanism of the patent right be fully represented. But the aim of the patent system is to protect the public interest of the society. So, while protecting the patentee’s individual interest, the related regulation and restriction mechanism should be set up so as to realize the equilibrium and coordination of individual interest and public interest. In the initial stage of setting up our country patent system, it is essential to put more emphasis on protecting the patentee interest, which will be facilitated in encouraging innovation. But by the more than twenty years’development, the construction of our country’patent system has already made great progress, and the integral level of the patent right protection has already reached the certain height. At this moment, it seems very essential to emphasize on protecting the public interest of the society.This paper attempts to discuss the law issues related to patent infringement, for the purpose of the wholly social interest, and from the accused infringer’s perspective (including from the public’s perspective). This paper analyzes the system of patent infringement and defense in our country at present, and the existing problem, and put forward the corresponding countermeasure and legislative suggestion at the same time.This paper divides into three chapters as follows:Chapter one deeply examines the composing elements and definition of patent infringement so as to make the adequate preparation for analyzing the reasons for the defense to patent infringement. In this chapter, there are four sections: Section one expounds the concept and characteristic of the patent right, and the property of patent law; Section two describes the composing elements of patent infringement, and expounds its characteristic distinguishing from the general tort; Section three describes the definition of infringement of invention patent and utility model patent, expounds how to confirm the scope of patent protection according to the patent claim and how to apply the full coverage, equivalence and redundant appointment principle to determine the establishment of patent infringement and analyze whether to perform the dependent patent constitutes the patent infringement; Section four discusses the question how to define the infringement of design patent.Chapter Two analyzes the contents of the defense to patent infringement, based on the domestic and foreign legislation, various views and theories. In this chapter, there are six sections: Section one, defense analysis of patent invalidity, expounds the legislative basis, the legislative aim, the reason why the patent is invalid, and the problem in the trial at present; Section two discusses the statutory criteria not regarded as patent infringement. Combining with the Article 63 of“Patent Law ", I carry on the jurisprudential discussion and application analysis for such issues. Section three, defense analysis of time limitation on damages, introduces the general principle of time limitation defense applied in the patent litigation, and expounds how to define the patent infringement beyond the two years’time limitation; Section four expounds the concept, significance, applicable scope and the concrete application of the free common knowledge defense; Section five discusses the concept , significance , applicable scope and concrete application of the estoppel defense; Section six, contract defense analysis, analyzes the feasibility of contract defense according to the relevant judicial interpretation and civil law principle.Chapter three analyzes the defect that exists on the defense to patent infringement in our country at present, and proposes some legislative and judicial suggestion, including formulating, perfecting the relevant laws and regulations , and preventing from patentee’s right abuse; setting up judicial review power for patent invalidity decision in the lawsuit of patent infringement; and strengthening the understanding of international convention of the intellectual property right, and actively participating in enactment and amendment of the international convention of the intellectual property right.

  • 【分类号】D923.42
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】308