

The Legal Role of Contractual Carrier

【作者】 刘筠

【导师】 陈康华;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法学院 , 法律, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 承揽运送的概念见于大陆法系的民商法典。承揽运送业是随着现代贸易和运输发展,从传统运输业与货运代理业演变而来的新兴行业。其特征是以自己的名义,为托运人之利益,与第三方签定运送合同。承揽运送人不同于纯粹的货运代理人,仅承担代理之职责;又不同于实际承运人,须实际履行运送义务,故其法律地位与权利义务颇为特殊。随着现代运输的飞速发展,承揽运送人以拼箱集运、多式联运、物流经营人等多种形式广泛存在于社会生产中,并在运输领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。由于承揽运送人这一商事主体的的特殊性,各国纷纷先后立法对承揽运送人的法律地位与权利义务予以明确,确立承揽运送人制度。而在我国,目前的有关立法相对滞后,相关的研究也比较少。承揽运送人的法律地位模糊不清,长期混淆于承运人与货运代理人之间,导致了司法实践中的不少争议与纠纷。本文试比较系统地研究承揽运送合同的发展历史及法律特征,区分承揽运送合同与货运代理合同、传统运输合同的异同。通过对各国承揽运送制度的立法比较与分析,提出构建我国承揽运送制度的建议,以明确承揽运送人的法律地位及权利义务,解决现实中的矛盾与冲突。文章主要分为三部分对承揽运送人的法律地位进行阐述:第一章“承揽运送人概述”。主要介绍承揽运送业的起源和发展,概念、种类和相关立法之情况。同时通过案例评述,指出我国有关承揽运送合立法同之不足与滞后。第二章“各国承揽运送人立法及其比较”。详述承揽运送人之立法因英美法与大陆法两大法系代理理论的不同而殊异,并对各国承揽运送人的具体立法进行研究比较。第三章“如何构建我国承揽运送人制度”。通过对上述各国立法优劣之分析,结合我国具体国情,提出我国承揽运送制度之立法建议。这其中包含两个问题,一是关于承揽运送人法律地位之确定,二是承揽运送人的权利义务界定。由于作者资力和学力所限,本文中有不少地方难免疏陋。承揽运送制度之立法,作为一个较新的课题,许多领域也尚待进一步研究探索。然而,借鉴国外的经验在我国运输法律中引入“承揽运送人”这一概念,对完善我国的承揽运送人制度进行讨论研究,笔者认为是有一定现实意义的。唯此,才能使立法与民商事活动协调一致,以法律的手段规范民商事行为者权利、义务,使各方义务得到全面地界定,权利得以均衡的保护。

【Abstract】 The concept of contractual carrier comes from the Commercial Code of CivilLaw. It’s a new industry developed from traditional transportation and freightforwarding. The most important character of contractual carrier is to sign transportagreement with third party in his own name thought the consignment is entrusted bycargo owner.Therefore, contractual carrier plays special legal role as he’s different fromfreight forwarder, who only takes liability as agent; neither does he perform realtransport duty like actual carrier. With the fast development of modern society,contractual carrier is playing more and more important role in the line of transport.Due to the special legal nature of contractual carrier, to clearly identify it’s legalnature as well as duty and rights, more and more countries established relevant law oncontractual carrier. However, in legislation, of our country, this is still a vacancy, andat present there’s seldom study on it. For a long time the legal nature of contractualcarrier is in vague status and it’s often confused with traditional carrier and freightforwarder, which causes numerous disputes in commercial trade.In the view of aforesaid problem, the writer is trying to systematically study thenature of contractual carrier and legally distinguish it from freight forwarder as wellas actual carrier. By comparing and analyzing legislation of different countries, thewriter is also trying to propose suggestion on how to construct China legal system ofcontractual carrier. The thesis consists 3 parts:Charter One "A General Introduction of Contractual Carrier". It brieflyintroduces the history, concept, and types of contractual carrier. Meantime, throughcase analysis the writer points out the lack of relevant legislation in China and raisethe problem.Charter Two "Legislation of Contractual Carrier in Different Countries and theComparison". It explains relevant theories of American & Civil law, and consequentlyhow did the different background affect the legislation of Contractual Carrier. Acomparison will be made among the countries.Chapter Three "To Construct the legislation of Contractual Carrier in China" With a summary of above content, the writer proposes suggestion on how to constructthe legislation of Contractual Carrier in China. It includes two problems: first, to fixthe legal nature/role of Contractual Carrier by legislation; second, to clarify the rightsand duties of Contractual Carrier in contract.Hope this article could provide some useful advice on the improvement ofrelevant legislation in our country and do some help in the development of contractualcarrier.

  • 【分类号】D913
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