

The Research of the Training Modern Educational Technology Competence of the Gansu Rural Teachers in Support of Distance Education Resources

【作者】 杨丽

【导师】 郭绍青;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国家农村中小学现代远程教育工程的实施,在实践中逐渐形成了教学光盘播放点、卫星教学收视点和计算机教室三种教学资源的传播模式。本文就远程教育资源的支撑下,甘肃省农村教师的教育技术能力培养现状和对策进行了深入的分析和探索。本论文共有六部分组成。第一部分是绪论,阐明了本研究的选题背景、研究的缘由、课题研究的目的与意义、课题研究方法。第二部分是本研究所涉及的研究方法和步骤,本研究综合应用了文献法、参与式观察、深入访谈的方法收集资料,采用与中小学合作的方式,以甘肃农村教师为研究者、以实践情境为研究场所开展工作研究。第三部分,在认真考察教育技术能力含义的基础上,通过对甘肃省农村教师的广泛调查,依照《中小学教师教育技术能力标准》的要求,分析了农村教师教育技术能力的现状。第四部分,通过对甘肃省农村在职教师传统培训方式的分析和对农村教师教育技术培训的两个案例的研究,发现甘肃省农村在职教师教育技术能力培养中继承了传统的培训方式,该方式存在一系列弊端。同时对农村教师的远程教育资源应用现状进行了分析。第五部分,提出了紧密结合远程教育资源,完善在职教师培训方式,实施校本培训和校本教研的对策。第六部分,对整个研究工作进行了总结,概括了研究的主要成果和创新之处,指出了不足之处以及进一步研究和努力的方向。

【Abstract】 With the implementation of the modern distance education project of for elementary and middle schools in the countryside, there are three modes developed in the course: teaching CD broadcast, satellite teaching receiving, and computer classroom. This thesis has further analyzed and explored the present condition and strategy in training educational technology competence of teachers in Gansu rural schools under the environment of distance education resources. This thesis is made up of six parts altogether.The first part is the introduction, which expounds the research background, causes, purpose, meaning, and research methods.The second part is research approach and step involved. This research integrates document study, participating observing, deep interview, and materials collecting, adopts the way to cooperate with the elementary and primary schools, and uses action research by regarding rural teachers as a researcher and practical situation as study place.The third part, based on a careful examination of educational technology competence and a survey on normal education in teachers in Gansu rural schools, analyses present condition in training teachers educational technology competence In accordance with the " Primary and secondary education teachers technical competence standards" requirements.The fourth part finds that the educational technology competence of on-the-job teachers in Gansu rural schools has inherited traditional way of training by means of analysis of those traditional Chinese training methods and study of two training cases of educational technology, pointing out that this heritage will easily result in some constraints. At the same time distance education to rural teachers analyzed the status of the application resources.The fifth part suggests to closely integrated distance education resources, making perfect the training model for on-the-job faculty, and carrying out School-based In-service Education and School-based teaching and research.The final part is a conclusion, points out the outcomes as well as the deficiencies of this study; suggests other respects deserving further studies.

  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】418