

Effects of Controlled-release Urea on Yield of Summer Maize under Different Soil Fertility

【作者】 孙其专

【导师】 王空军; 董树亭;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 作物栽培与耕作学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究采用大田、盆栽试验,以两种释放期的控释尿素CRU30和CRU60为供试肥料,主要研究两方面内容:(1)不同地力水平下控释尿素对夏玉米产量和品质的影响;(2)从氮素吸收利用、光合性能、根系生理特性、氮代谢特性与活性氧代谢及膜脂过氧化作用五个方面阐明影响的生理生化机制。主要结果如下。1不同地力水平下控释尿素对夏玉米产量的影响在等氮量一次基施的情况下,施用控释尿素增产效果显著,不同肥料处理的增产效应顺序,低地力水平下为:CRU30>CRU60>U(P<0.05),CRU30处理比N0(不施氮肥)、U处理分别增产49.62%和22.05%;高地力水平下为:CRU60> CRU30>U(P<0.05),CRU60处理较N0、U处理分别增产25.70%和13.67%。高地力水平的干物质积累量及籽粒产量显著高于低地力,低地力水平土壤施用控释尿素的增产效果大于高地力。施用控释尿素增产的主要原因:控释尿素调节了氮素供应状况,基本使氮素供应与玉米对氮素的需求相一致,最终提高了氮素表观利用率及生产效率;改善了玉米光合性能,增加了干物质积累量,以及改善了玉米的穗部性状,主要是增加了千粒重和穗粒数。2不同地力水平下控释尿素对夏玉米籽粒品质的影响施用控释尿素增加了籽粒淀粉、粗脂肪、可溶性糖含量,尤其是粗蛋白、游离氨基酸含量;CRU60与CRU30处理间各营养成分含量差异不显著。施用控释尿素显著提高了各营养成分产量,CRU60与CRU30处理间差异显著。各营养成分产量CRU30与CRU60处理分别在低、高地力水平下最高。高地力水平下各营养成分含量与产量均显著高于低地力。综合考虑控释尿素对各品质指标含量及产量的影响,低地力水平下CRU30表现较好;高地力水平下CRU60表现较好。3不同地力水平下控释尿素影响夏玉米产量及品质形成的生理

【Abstract】 In this research, maize was cultured in field and pots, two types of controlled-release urea (CRU) CRU30, CRU60 with different nitrogen (N) release periods were the fertilizers tested. Two aspects were mainly researched: (1) Effects of CRU on yield and quality of summer maize; (2) Mechanisms of physiology and biochemistry for CRU affecting yield and quality were clarified from N absorption and utilization, photosynthetic property, physiological characteristics of root, characteristics of N metabolism, active oxygen metabolism and lipid peroxidation for summer maize. Main results obtained were as follows:1 Effects of CRU on yield of summer maize under different soil fertility Yield increase effect of CRU was significant in condition of single basal application with the same amount of N. In low fertility condition, the order of increasing yield of fertilizers was CRU30>CRU60>U (P<0.05). Compared with that of N0 (no N fertilization) and U treatment, the yield of CRU30 treatment increased by 49.62%, 22.05% respectively; In addition, the order was CRU60> CRU30>U (P<0.05) under high soil fertility, the yield of CRU60 application was 25.70%, 13.67% higher than that of N0, U treatment respectively. Dry matter accumulation and grain yield in high soil fertility were higher than those in low soil fertility, increasing yield effect were in order of low soil fertility>high soil fertility.The main reason for increasing yield in comparing with that of common urea in high and low fertility conditions was CRU adjusted the N supply to the N demand of maize, finally leading to high N recovery rate and N production efficiency; CRU applications reformed photosynthetic property, increased dry matter accumulation of summer maize and improved ear traits, the increase of

  • 【分类号】S513
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