

Salt Tolerance Capacity of Halophytes and Their Effects on Coastal Saline Soil Improvement

【作者】 张立宾

【导师】 赵庚星; 刘玉新;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业推广, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 盐渍土是地球上广泛分布的一种土壤类型,是一种重要的土地资源,约占陆地总面积的25%,总计约10余亿hm2,分布在世界各大洲干旱地,主要集中在欧亚大陆,非洲和北美西部。我国各类盐渍土面积约0.346亿hm2,是世界盐渍土大国之一,主要分布在东北、华北、西北内陆地区及长江以北沿海地带。盐渍土改良已成为世界性的课题。黄河三角洲是我国三大河口三角洲之一,具有巨大土地开发利用潜力。但该区濒临渤海,滨海盐渍土广泛分布,土壤含盐量高,盐分主要以氯化物为主,土壤表层盐分在0.4%-3%范围,土壤结构性差,肥力低,不经改良治理,难以进行农业生产。因此,极大地限制了该区土地资源的有效利用。本文针对黄河三角洲地区的实际情况和滨海盐渍土特点,选择了9种常见盐生植物,通过盐水浇灌耐盐试验和田间耐盐试验,确定其耐盐能力,并根据其耐盐能力在滨海盐渍土上进行种植,研究其对滨海盐渍土的改良效果,为滨海盐渍土生物改良和盐渍土资源的开发利用提供理论依据。主要研究内容和结果如下:1确定了黄河三角洲滨海盐渍土地区9种常见盐生植物的耐盐能力通过盐水浇灌试验和田间耐盐试验观察测定盐生植物的生育指标,确定了每种盐生植物在滨海盐渍土上的耐盐能力和耐盐极限。碱蓬的耐盐能力为2.5%,耐盐极限为3.5%;田菁的耐盐能力为0.6%,耐盐极限为1.0%;海边月见草的耐盐能力为1.5%,耐盐极限为2.0%;中亚滨藜的耐盐能力为1.5 %,耐盐极限为2.0%;星星草的耐盐能力为1.0 %,耐盐极限为1.5%;柽柳的耐盐能力为2.5 %,耐盐极限为3.5%;白刺的耐盐能力为2.5 %,耐盐极限为3.5%;沙枣的耐盐能力为1.5 %,耐盐极限为2.0%;珠美海棠的耐盐能力0.6%,耐盐极限为0.8%。2明确了盐生植物种植对滨海盐渍土的脱盐效果种植盐生植物后,中度盐渍土表层脱盐率为3.10-6.41%,中层脱盐率为4.08-7.66%,深层脱盐率为2.93-4.74%,脱盐效果最好的是土壤中层,其次是表层,最差的是深层。重盐土表层土壤脱盐率为3.03-6.46%,中层土壤脱盐率为4.23-7.20%,深层土壤脱盐率为2.94-5.00%,土壤脱

【Abstract】 Saline soil, a kind of agro type with widespread distribution and an important soil resource, which is in the proportion of 25% to the land total area, amounts to approximately 10 hundreds million ha. In the world, saline soil is mainly concentrates in Eurasia, West Africa and North America. In our country, the total area of saline soil is about 34.6 million ha. The mainly distributing regions are northeast, North China, northwest interior area and seaboard being north of Yangtze River. Now, the improvements of saline soil have been a cosmopolitan problem. The Yellow River Delta, one of the three bayou deltas, has great potential of land exploration and use. But this region has some shortcoming because of being bordered on Bohai Sea, for example high soil salt content, bad soil structure, low fertility and so on. The above factors have restricted land resource to be used availably. Aiming at the fact of the Yellow River Delta and the characteristics of coastal saline soil, the study selects 9 familiar halophytes to ascertain that salt-tolerance according to two kinds of tests: brine irrigating and field salt-tolerant test. This study takes theories to biology improvement of coastal saline and exploitation and use of saline soil resources. The mainly contents and conclusions as follows:1 Ascertaining the salt-tolerant abilities of 9 familiar halophytes in coastal saline soil region of the Yellow River DeltaAccording to brine irrigating and field salt tolerant test, we can gain some conclusions. For the salt-tolerant ability and salt-tolerant limit, dates are just as follows. Suaeda salsa (L.) Pall: 2.5%, 3.5%; Sesbania cnnabina (Retz) Pers: 0.6%, 1.0%; Oenothera littaralis Schlect: 1.5%, 2.0%; Atriplex centralasiatica Iljin: 1.5%, 2.0%; Puccinellia tenuiflora: 1.0%, 1.5%; Tamarix chinensis Lour: 2.5% 3.5%; Nitraria tangutorum Bobr: 2.5%; 3.5%; Elaeagnus angustifolia L: 1.5%, 2.0%; Malus zum: 0.6%, 0.8%.2 Ascertaining the desalination of halophyte to coastal saline soilAfter growing halophytes, surface-desalting ratio of middling saline soil is from 3.10% to 6.41%, middle-desalting ratio is from 4.08% to 7.66%,

  • 【分类号】S156.4
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1102