

Technology Research and System Development of Data Processing in Reverse Engineering Based on UGII

【作者】 孙肖霞

【导师】 孙殿柱;

【作者基本信息】 山东理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文针对目前UGII与反求工程系统存在的不足,以Visual Studio.NET 2003为开发工具,开展了UGII反求工程模块的部分研发工作。论文主要完成的研究内容如下:(1)通过研究UG/Open API接口技术和UDO方法,设计了点云类,创建了点云对象、UDO类及对象,并结合C++纯虚函数技术,成功地将海量数据点以像素点的形式显示在UGII系统的主窗口中;(2)通过采用WINDOWS API函数和UG/OPEN C API函数获取了UGII的主窗口指针,利用鼠标钩子捕捉鼠标点的屏幕位置,并进一步通过OpenGL API函数将世界坐标系下的点映射到窗口坐标系下,结合多边形内外点的判断算法,在UGII中实现了点云的交互区域分割;(3)通过研究支持数据动态管理的空间数据结构R-tree,在优选其变种R*-tree作为本课题的点云空间数据结构的基础上,提出了一种在R*-tree中搜索数据点K近邻的算法;(4)通过研究固定球拟合、坐标转换及数据融合算法,提出了一种基于最小二乘球的多视点云拼合算法,并与UGII系统无缝集成,该算法可快速、精确地对多视点云数据进行对齐与融合;(5)研究了曲率估算方法和数据精简原则,提出了一种适用于任意类型测量点云的曲率精简算法,将其集成到UGII系统后,实现了对大量密集数据点直接、有效地精简;(6)通过分析已有散乱数据三角网格剖分算法,制定了候选点有效准则、匹配点查找及优化准则和四种数据更新方法,提出了一种通用的三角网格快速剖分算法——螺旋波扩展法,实现了散乱数据的快速、高质量地三角网格剖分;(7)实现了四种三角网格后处理算法,包括:内外边界提取、数据分块、网格自适应加密及网格模型抽壳,为快速构建特征线、有限元分析及快速原型奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 Since there are some shortcomings in reverse engineering systems and UGII, part of reverse engineeringsystem based on UGII is researched and developed with Visual Studio.NET 2003. The achievements of thispaper are as follows:(1) With the research of the interface technique about UG/Open API and the UDO method, the pointcloud class is designed, the point cloud object, the UDO class and object are created, and a large number ofpoints are displayed in the main window of UGII as pixel points with the pure virtual functions of the C++.(2)Through obtaining the main window pointer of UGII by functions of windows API and UG/OPEN CAPI, capturing the mouse coordinates in the screen by setting a mouse hook, and projecting the points of theworld coordinate system by calling OpenGL API functions, a point cloud is partitioned into two regions inUGII based on an algorithm of point in-out polygon test.(3) With the research of the spatial data structure called R-tree which supports dynamic data-managementand the selection of its variation — R*-tree as the spacial data structure of this project, a searching algorithmof K nearest neighbor points in R*-tree is proposed.(4) Through researching the algorithms of fitting fixed-sphere, transforming coordinates and dataintegration, the algorithm of registration and integration based on least-square sphere is proposed andintegrated with UGII, which can registrate and integrate multi-view point cloud data rapidly and accurately.(5) Through researching the algorithm of curvature estimate and the principle of data reduction, the datareduction algorithm based on curvature estimation is proposed and integrated with UGII, which can beapplied to any kind of measured data and reduces the mass and dense points directly and effectively.(6) Through analyzing several previous algorithms of triangulation for scattered data, and establishing theeffective criterion for candidate points, the search and optimizing criterions for match points and fourmethods of data updating, a universal and fast mesh generation algorithm named helix-wave expandingmethod is proposed, which can generate high-quality triangular mesh quickly.(7) Four algorithms of mesh postprocessing are realized, including inside and outside boundary extraction,data segment, adaptive mesh refinement and mesh model hollowing, which establish the groundwork forfeature line construction, finite element analysis and rapid prototyping.

  • 【分类号】TP391.72
  • 【被引频次】3
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