

The Function of Management That Takes Person as Core in Ideological Education

【作者】 龚春芳

【导师】 邓玉竹;

【作者基本信息】 贵州师范大学 , 马克思主义理论和思想政治教育, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 思想政治教育是社会主义精神文明建设的重要组成部分,是党的工作的重要内容,是其他一切工作的生命线,在我们党的历史上曾经起过巨大的作用,但由于种种主客观原因,思想政治教育的效果正在受到人们的质疑,因此,如何做好思想政治教育工作,如何让思想政治教育进一步发挥生命线的作用就成为我们的所要研究的新课题。 人本管理是现代管理思想中的一个重要内容,它是指在管理中要以人为中心,把提高人的素质,处理人际关系,满足人的需要,调动人的主动性、积极性、创造性放在首位,要更多的去尊重人、了解人和关心人,促进人的全面发展。人本管理有着深刻的思想渊源,其理论体系也随着管理实践的深入而逐渐形成。思想政治教育和人本管理是两种性质不同的学科,但二者却在社会实践活动中互为条件,互相影响,密不可分。因此,探讨人本管理在思想政治教育中的作用,将为传统思想政治教育的现代化开辟新的视野。 人本管理在思想政治教育中的作用是多方面的,本文主要从三个方面来论述:一是在思想政治教育主客体关系中的作用,表现为有利于确立以人为本的思想政治教育原则、有利于主体性的发挥和塑造完美人格等;二是在思想政治教育机制中的作用,表现为有利于在教育过程中更好的进行灌输、说服、沟通、激励、调节和管理;三是在思想政治教育价值实现中的作用,表现为有利于促进思想政治教育的个体价值和社会价值更好的实现。

【Abstract】 Ideological education, as the indispensable part of socialist spiritual civilization construction, is the main work of our Party and the life line to all the other work. It has played an important role in history of our Party. However, due to some reasons , people have been doubtful about the effect of ideological education. So how to carry out the ideological education, how to let the ideological education display the important function becomes our new object.Management that takes person as core is one of all important factors in the modern management ideology. It refers to the management ideology which regards human as the center, enhances human’s quality, deals with the interpersonal relationship, meets human’ s needs, initiates the human’ s positiveness, the enthusiasm and the creativity, and more respects others, understands others and takes care of others in order to promote human’ s full scale development. Management that takes person as core has the profound though origin. And its theory system formed also along with the development of management gradually. The ideological education and management that takes person as core are two disciplines of different nature. But In social practice mutually, the two respects are indivisible each other

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