

Study on the Character of Chlorophyll-a Vertical Distribution of the Lakes in Changchun

【作者】 金香琴

【导师】 盛连喜;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 环境工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 富营养化已成为水体最严重的污染问题,也是全球性环境问题之一。富营养化水体中充足的营养盐会造成浮游藻类和部分浮游动物的迅速繁殖,严重时能引起“水华”的发生。因此,浮游生物的群落结构和功能可反映水质的恶化或突变。叶绿体是浮游植物的重要功能器官,所以,也成为水环境质量监测的靶器官之一,其功能的强弱及其时空的动态变化,是通过叶绿素的光合作用实现的。叶绿素a的监测是了解水质状况、水体富营养化程度、水体中营养盐特别是N和P分布及其动态特征的有效方法。本论文以叶绿素a为主要监测指标,以四个不同水体功能类型、不同营养类型的浅型湖泊(水库)为研究对象,比较其叶绿素a垂直分布特征及其影响因素(如水温、溶解氧、pH、浊度、透明度等生态因子)变化对叶绿素a垂直分布的影响。结果表明:(1)四个水体叶绿素a的垂直分布因水体类型的不同而具有明显差异,四者叶绿素a浓度的比较看,石头口门水库<净月潭水库<新立城水库<南湖,以南湖为最高。其中,石头口门水库与新立城水库各水层的垂直分布趋势无明显差异,各层基本一致;净月潭水库是随水深有明显的层间差异,其变化的曲线形状似倒s形;南湖叶绿素a浓度最高,且整个水体各层间呈无规律变化。(2)对四个水体叶绿素a垂直分布与生态因子的相关性分析及显著性检验,其结果表明,石头口门水库叶绿素a垂直分布与水温、pH、DO及浊度的垂直分布呈显著正相关;新立城水库叶绿素a的垂直分布与水温、DO为极显著负相关,与pH、浊度为极显著正相关;净月潭水库叶绿素a的垂直分布与浊度的关系为极显著负相关,与水温、pH及DO呈极显著正相关;南湖叶绿素a的垂直分布与浊度为显著负相关,与其他生态因子相关性不显著。(3)利用叶绿素a、溶解氧、溶解氧饱和度及总磷浓度平均值对四个水体的营养类型所做的划分结果表明,若依据世界经济合作与开发组织(OECD)规定的湖泊叶绿素a划分标准,石头口门水库、新立城水库和净月潭水库三个水体属中营养型,南湖为富营养型;若按美国环保局富营养化标准划分,石头口门水库和净月潭水库为中营养型,新立城水库和南湖则都属富营养型。根据作者的分析,OECD的划分更趋于符合实际。(4)通过对南湖两个月的连续监测,整个南湖水体叶绿素a含量均达到富营养化水平,且5个采样点的叶绿素a垂直变化趋势相似,虽因每个监测点所处水域环境特征有一定的影响而各监测点具有各自的特征,如1#(四亭桥)、和3#点(白桦林附近)将是藻类的高爆发区,4#点(游泳区)是水质相对较好的水域等,但整体上看,南湖水体中叶绿素a的垂直变化呈不规律性。(5)南湖叶绿素a垂直分布的动态变化与一些生态因子动态变化具有密切的联系。

【Abstract】 Eutrophication which is one of the global environmental problems, has become themost serious one on water pollution. Excessive nutrients in eutrophic water may makephytoplanktons propagate and water quality worsen, sometimes even arise algae bloom. Sothe structure and function of plankton population can reflect the deterioration and changes ofwater quality. Chloroplast as a key functional organ in phytoplankton is one of the targetorgans for water quality monitoring, whose function and temporal and temporal dynamics arerealized by photosynthesis of chlorophyll. Thus, it will be a good way to find out the waterquality, extent of eutrophication and the distribution and dynamic characteristics of nutrientsin water, especially for N and P. The paper aiming at four shallow lakes with different water quality and nutrition types,choosing chlorophyll-a as the monitoring index, compares the vertical distributioncharacteristics of chlorophyll-a, and the effects of ecological factors such as temperature, DO,pH, turbidity, and transparency. The results are as follows.(1) There are obvious differences in the vertical distribution of chlorophyll-a for the fourlakes. The sequence of the four lakes in which chlorophyll-a concentration is from low to highis Shitoukoumen Reservoir, Jingyue Pond, Xinlicheng Reservoir and South Lake. Theconcentration of chlorophyll-a is almost the same at each layer of Shitoukoumen Reservoirand Xinlicheng Reservoir. And the concentration in the Jingyue Pond has a great differencewith the change of depth, and exhibits an inversion S-shaped distribution. South Lake has thehighest chlorophyll-a concentration in the four lakes, but without regular distribution in thewhole water。(2) Through correlation analysis and significant test for vertical distribution ofchlorophyll-a and ecological factors of the four lakes, the results show that: there is asignificantly positive relation between the distribution of chlorophyll-a and temperature, DO,pH and turbidity in Shitoukoumen Reservoir. And in Xinlicheng Reservoir, there is asignificantly positive relation between the distribution of chlorophyll-a and pH and turbidity,but negative with temperature and DO. The distribution of chlorophyll-a in Jingyue Pond hasa positive relation with the factors except transparency。(3) When determining the trophic types of the four lakes by chlorophyll-a, DO,saturation of DO and total content of P, Shitoukoumen Reservoir, Jingyue Pond andXinlicheng Reservoir all belong to mesotrophic water, and South Lake belongs to eutrophicwater.(4) The data obtained by continuous monitoring for two month indicates that theconcentration of chlorophyll-a in the South Lake has reached the level of eutrophication. Thetrends of vertical change are similar for the five samples,though each sample has its ownenvironmental characteristics.(5) There is close relation between the dynamic changes of chlorophyll-a distribution andecological factors in South Lake. During the investigation, the concentration of chlorophyll-ais negative with temperature and DO, and positive with pH and transparency.Although the research is just the pilot study for vertical distribution of chlorophyll-a, it isan effective way to recognize and grasp the effects of nutrients and ecological factors oneutrophication, and provides basic researches on eutrophication mechanism and hydrology ofnutrient dynamic changes for further study. Therefore, it is necessary to make use of dynamiccharacteristics of lakes and choose adaptive time to cut off the input of nutrients, and establishwise prevention and cure measures.

  • 【分类号】X524
  • 【被引频次】6
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