

Study on Microwave Modified Barks and Containing Carbon Absorbent Remove Cr(Ⅵ) in Water

【作者】 谭义惠

【导师】 赵晓明;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 环境工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 含铬废水主要来源于含铬矿石的加工、金属表面处理、皮革软制、印染等行业,主要以Cr(Ⅵ)和Cr(Ⅲ)两种价态存在,其中Cr(Ⅵ)毒性较强,比Cr(Ⅲ)大100倍。目前工业上多采用氧化还原法、离子交换处理法、沉淀法、活性炭吸附法等技术处理含Cr(Ⅵ)废水,但这些方法的成本普遍偏高。近年来,水处理行业越来越重视采用高效廉价的吸附剂处理六价铬废水。在森林采伐及木材加工行业每年都有大量的树皮产生,长期以来树皮不是烧掉就是自然降解,既浪费资源,又污染环境。微波辐射技术作为一门新兴环保技术,具有快速高效、操作简单、节能降耗、处理过程中不会产生二次污染物等优点。微波辐射技术在环境中的应用主要在污水处理和改性材料中。本论文提出以树皮为原料,采用微波辐照-药剂活化方法制备一种能吸附水中六价铬的含碳吸附剂。论文考察了微波制备吸附剂的影响因素:微波辐照功率和辐照时间、物料比R(树皮质量/化学药剂)、化学药剂溶液浓度,吸附六价铬废水的时间等。结果表明:当微波辐照功率480W、辐照时间5min、R为1.20、氯化锌浓度35%时,制备的树皮含碳吸附剂吸附性能较好。用于静态吸附50ml、50mg/L的六价铬废水,3h后,出水浓度降为0.95mg/L,六价铬去除效率可达98.36%。论文还分析了微波辐照-药剂活化法制得树皮吸附剂的微观结构,探讨了其吸附六价铬废水的机理。微波辐照-药剂活化树皮吸附剂内部存在大量孔隙,孔隙结构比较完整、分布均匀,这是其吸附性能增强的主要原因。通过微波辐照-药剂活化法改性树皮制备含碳吸附剂,为六价铬废水的处理提供了一种新型吸附材料,这种吸附剂来源广泛、价格低廉、制造工艺简单、容易控制,可以降低六价铬废水处理的成本,具有较强的应用前景。

【Abstract】 The chromic waste water main stem from the chromic ore processing, metalsurface dealing with, leather dealing with, printing and so on. Chromium in wastewater mainly exist by Cr (VI) and Cr (III) two kind of price attitude. Cr(VI) toxicityrelatively strong of them, and 100 times louder than Cr(III). At present in the industryuses oxidation-reduction method, ion exchange handle law, deposition method,activated charcoal adsorption method ,etc. technical treatment include Cr (VI) thewaste water, but these methods costs are generally higher. In recent years,environment engineering more and more took the inexpensive highly effectiveabsorbent to adsorb the density lower six price chromium waste water . Forest loggingand wood processing industries have a lot of bark every year, the bark is burned ornaturally degraded. The both have wasted the resources, and have polluted theenvironment. The microwave radiation technology took an emerging environmentalprotection technology, has highly effective、fast simple operation、 save energy、cannot bring two times of pollutant in the treating processes. At present microwaveradiation technology in environment application mainly in sewage treatment and inmodified material.This paper take the bark as a raw material, uses the microwave technology, themicrowave radiation -medicament activation bark prepare one kind ofabsorbent ,which can absorbed six price chromium in water.This paper inspected the influence absorbent performance factor: The materialcompares (chemical agent quality / bark quality) and the chemical agent solutionconcentration, as well as affects six price chromium water leakage anotherfactor—adsorption time. The results showed: R is 1.20, the zinc chloride density is35%, and handle 50mL waste water, which six price chromium density is 50mg/mL,After adsorbs 3h, the adsorption achieve equilibrium, the water leakage densityreduces to 0.95mg/L, and the removal efficiency appears to be a high 98.36%.This experiment also has explored microscopic structure and the reactionmechanism of microwave exposure-medicament activation bark. The microwaveexposure-medicament activation bark obtains absorbent memory in massive holes,crevice structure relatively complete, the porosity distribution is even.The microwave modified bark takes the absorbent, and uses in processingcontain six price chromium waste water. This provided one kind of new adsorptionmaterial for six price chromium waste water. This absorbent is easy to control inmanufacture craft, does not special technology, then reduced six price chromiumwaste water processing cost greatly. This technology has the strong applicationprospect.

【关键词】 微波树皮吸附Cr(Ⅵ)废水
【Key words】 MicrowaveBarkAdsorptionCr(VI) the wastewater
  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】335