

Smiling Mona Lisa

【作者】 张荃馨

【导师】 黄际英;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 本文旨在探讨在以女性主义为题材的影片中女性自我意识的觉醒与演变的过程。作者在对作为研究文本的影片《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》的细致解读并结合当代女性主义以及影视批评等相关理论的基础上,提出女性主义借助影视传播等媒介在当代产生了更为广泛而深刻的影响,女性主义发展的道路从来都不是一帆风顺的,它必将经历反复、挫折、甚至暂时的倒退。全文共分为五部分。第一部分对影片的历史和环境背景以及影片所涉及的相关理论进行了简明概述。并在这一部分的结尾提出本文的中心论点,即:女性自我意识的觉醒和演进必将历经长期反复的斗争甚至暂时的倒退,借助影视传播的媒介形式使得大众对女性主义有了更为深刻的认识,这在一定程度上推动了女性主义在当代的新发展。第二部分是对本篇论文所引用的理论:20世纪60年代的西方妇女解放运动、女性主义以及影视文学批评等进行阐述。第三部分对影片中的女主人公凯瑟琳的双重身份即教师和女性主义拥护者进行阐述。这一部分也是本篇论文讨论的重点。第四部分论述了本部影片中与凯瑟琳密切相关的其他几位重要人物自身及其与凯瑟琳之间的矛盾冲突以致融合。第五部分是本篇论文的结论。作者重申了论文的核心命题,并对女性主义未来的发展趋势提出了自己的观点。总之,本文通过对极具女性主义特色的影片《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》中,几位女主人公自身以及相互间对女性主义的不同理解以及所产生的矛盾冲突的深入讨论,从女性主义的历史发展到未来的发展趋势都做出了自己的判断,以期引起专家及大众对新历史环境下女性主义发展的新趋势进行更为深入的探讨。

【Abstract】 This thesis aims to discuss female’s awakening of self-conscious and the processof improvement in the film concerning feminism. Through an investigation into thefilm Mona Lisa Smile and theories about feminism and film literature critics, theauthor further proposes that feminism get wider and deeper development with meansof mass media. The road for feminism will not be smooth and bound to beencountered with obstacles and sometimes retrogression. The thesis comprises five parts:Part one is the introduction. It briefly reviews the historical background of thisfilm and the theories concerned. And the conclusion will be mentioned at the end ofthis chapter: the female’s awakening of self-conscious and self-improvement won’tget through quite smoothly. It must encounter long-term fighting even retrogression.The masses get better idea about feminism and deeper understanding with means ofmass media and transformation, which benefit feminism in reverse.Chapter one provides theoretical basis for the thesis: western women liberationmovement in the 1960s, feminism and film literature critics. Chapter two serves as the core of the whole paper. It illustrates the doubleidentities of the protagonist—Catherine Watson, being a teacher and a feminist aswell.Chapter three illustrates the contradiction and reconciliation between Catherineand several main characters.Part five is the conclusion of the thesis. The author reconfirms the theme of thepaper, and makes the prediction about the trend of feminism.Through the discussion about different understandings about feminism revealedin this film, the author gave her prediction about the trend of feminism to bring towider and deeper discussion in a new historical background.

  • 【分类号】J905
  • 【下载频次】884