

The Research on Cross-age Interaction in Experimental Class of Montessori Educational Model

【作者】 陈卫平

【导师】 王小英;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 学前教育学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 由于我国现阶段实施计划生育政策,独生子女成为社会的特殊群体,独生子女教育也成为社会普遍关心的问题。在家庭中,独生子女缺少异龄同伴特有的互动关系。由于我国绝大多数幼儿园又实施同龄编班,不同年龄的幼儿在教学内容和教学组织形式上都进行明确的界定和区分,也使得幼儿在一日的生活中很少有异龄互动的机会。基于此,深入探讨幼儿异龄互动的价值和教育对策,其意义也就显然可见了。本文选择了研究蒙台梭利实验班中的幼儿异龄互动行为。本文运用了观察法、访谈法和文献法,从定量和定性的角度总结了蒙台梭利实验班中的幼儿异龄互动行为的特点,提出了针对教师和家长的教育建议。这在一定程度上丰富了幼儿异龄互动行为的理论,有利于促进幼儿异龄互动质量的提高。本文由五部分组成。首先是问题的提出。在这一部分里对先行研究进行了综述,在总结了当前对幼儿异龄互动行为研究的基础上,找到了本文的切入点。笔者决定探讨蒙台梭利实验班中的幼儿异龄互动行为;其次,笔者用定量的方法描述了幼儿异龄互动行为,初步概括了幼儿异龄互动行为的特点;再次,用定性分析的方法描述了幼儿的异龄互动行为;最后归纳出了结论,总结了幼儿异龄互动行为的特点,并提出了针对教师和家长的教育建议,以期能促进幼儿异龄之间的互动,提高异龄互动的质量。

【Abstract】 Due to the family planning policy in our country, only-child has become the special group of our society and the education of only-child has also become one of the concerned matters. There is a lack of cross-age interaction in family for only-child. The preschoolers seldom have the chance to play with different-age peers because the most kindergartens mainly host the same-age classes. Therefor, in view of only-child’s development in our country, the research on the value of the cross-age interaction has important actual sense in preschoolers’healthy development.The purpose of this paper focused on the cross-age interaction in experimental class of Montessori educational model. Three methods are adopted in this research, observation method, literature analysis method and interview method. The author conducted a natural observation in experimental class of Montessori educational model of a kindergarten and documented the cross-age interaction episodes narratively by combining quantitative and qualitative methods together. The author analysesd the distinct characters of cross-age interaction. On the basis of this, the author gave some tentative advice for teachers and parents in order to improve the quality of the cross-age interaction.This research mainly consists of four parts. Part one, it is the proposition of questions. Part two and part three, the qualitative and quantitative research methods were used to analyze data. The author revealed the essential features of cross-age interaction through the analysis of the statistics and the episodes. Part four ,we put forward some proposals for teachers and parents. In one word, the purpose of the research is to make the cross-age interaction be a new way of social learning of preschoolers and promote the value of cross-age interaction from the potential state to real one.

  • 【分类号】G61
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】984