

Characteristic of Ion Source Discharge in NT50 Neutron Generator

【作者】 刘伟波

【导师】 谷德山;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 粒子物理与原子核物理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 中子管是一种密封型直线加速器式中子源。与普通的同位素中子源相比,其中子产额高,能谱单色性好,无γ本底,并可产生脉冲中子。与反应堆或加速器中子源相比,消耗功率小,无须真空系统和冷却设备,不必更换氚靶。具有体积小、重量轻、操作简单,维护管理方便,中子输出可控制等优点。便于携带或移动,适于流动辐照或现场辐照,而其成本却低得多,因而适于推广应用。 中子管已在工农业生产、国防科研、教学实验等领域有广泛应用,特别是在石油测井技术中发挥了重要作用;社会需要又促进了中子应用技术的迅速发展,中子管技术将原子核技术、电真空技术和电子技术融合在一起,形成一门近乎独立的技术分支。 目前中子管的种类比较多,产生中子的原理基本相同。区别在于不同中子产额中子管的结构尺寸不同,离子源选取的不同,所以离子源放电特性也不尽相同。东北师范大学辐射技术研究所研制的NT50型中子管离子源,采用潘宁放电原理。放电电流的大小和中子管中真空度的高低、加在阴极和阳极之间电压的高低以及外部磁场强度有直接关系。 在本实验中,我们通过简易的实验装置,模拟NT50中子管中潘宁离子源放电的整个过程。测量放电电流与离子源电压和管内压强、以及外加磁场的关系,做出它们对应关系的相应曲线。进行数据分析,得到放电规律。从而确定离子源结构,找出离子源的最佳工作状态和工作参数,提高中子管产品质量。

【Abstract】 Investigations into the making of sealed-off neutron tubes are mentioned here . Neutron tubes are a new kind of gas-discharge tube. The ions produced in a Penning ion source (a mixture of deuterons and tritons are used) are accelerated by a single-stage accelerating system to a certain potential. Comparing to other reactors or accelerators, the neutron generator has its own advantage, little cubage, light weight, easily operated, conveniently managed, etc. It also has low cost, so it suits to be generalized.Neutron generator has been widely used in many areas, such as in production of industry and agriculture, national defence, teaching experiment, especially in oil-well logging. At one time, the social demand improved the neutron generator’s development. The technique of neutron generator syncretized many areas, and has become a independent technique.Now, there are several kinds of neutron generators existed. They have the same principle to create the neutron, the difference between them is that, different yield neutron generator has different structure size, different ion resource, so the characteristic of ion resource discharge is also different. The NT50 neutron generator, produced by Radiation Technology Institute of Northeast Normal University, uses the Penning ion source, has gained a good neutron yield.By this experiment, we study the characteristic of NT50 Neutron Generator discharge. Measure the relation of discharge current, ion source voltage and the inner pressure. Using computer, we draw the corresponding curve of three parameters above. Analyze data, gain the rule of ion source discharge., Then, we can find the ion source’s prime working state and working parameter, improve the Neutron Generator’s quality.

  • 【分类号】O571.53
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】158