

【作者】 丁孝民

【导师】 刘洪珍;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 运动人体科学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 1.研究目的 通过对训练大鼠灌服壮阳复方中药,观察壮阳中药和运动训练对心肌自由基代谢及PLA2、GOT活性的影响,探讨中药对提高机体运动能力和抗疲劳的作用,为更好的指导运动训练、增强运动能力提供科学依据,并为下一步开发适合运动员饮用的中药制剂奠定基础。 2.研究方法 选取雄性wister大鼠128只,随机分为A组(安静组)、B组(运动组)、C组(安静壮阳组)、D组(运动壮阳组)。B、D组大鼠经8周跑台训练,C、D组每天灌服中药制剂。8周后,将每组随机分为4个亚组,即:安静组,定量负荷组,力竭即刻组,力竭恢复组。并于相应时刻断头处死后取心肌组织测定SOD活性、MDA含量、GSH含量、PLA2活性、GOT活性。所有数据用SPSS13.0统计软件进行单因素方差分析和T检验,显著性水平为P<0.05。 3.实验结果 3.1 安静状态下,大鼠心肌内SOD活性、GSH含量B组、C组、D组比A组略有升高,MDA含量则相反,PLA2活性变化趋势不明显。 3.2 定量负荷状态下,大鼠心肌内SOD活性GSH含量B、C、D三组高于A组。PLA2活性、MDA含量的变化相反。 3.3 力竭后即刻,大鼠心肌内SOD活性B、C组、D组明显高于A组,而MDA、GSH含量各组几乎没有差别。PLA2活性A组明显高于B组、C组、D组。 3.4 力竭运动后恢复12小时后,心肌内SOD活性、MDA含量、PLA2活性以D组最低,其余组则较高,而GSH含量则在D中最高,其余组较低。 3.5 D组大鼠力竭时间相比另外三组非常显著性延长:A组对比B和C两组显著性缩短,且A组与C组之间是非常显著性差异。

【Abstract】 Objective: Through filling the compound of Chinese traditional sturdy-positive-medicine prescriptions to the big mouse , observe the medicine and training’s influence through determining free radical metabolism of cardiac muscle, PLA2 and GOT’s active, clarify its mechanism of anti-fatigue and mobility increase, provides the scientific basis for better instruction movement training and the enhancement movement ability, and lay the foundation of the Chinese traditional medicine development which suits the athlete drinks for the next step.Method: 128 male wister big mouse were randomly selected and divided into group A (peaceful group), group B (movement group), group C (peacefully fortifies yang group) and group D (movement fortifies yang group). After B and D group were trained for 8 weeks, Group C and D were filled with the compound of Chinese traditional sturdy-positive-medicine prescriptions every day. Eight weeks later, each group was randomly divided into 4 subunits, namely: The peaceful group, the quota load group, the instantly exhausting group and the renewing group. Exhausting time was recorded. SOD activity, MDA content, GSH content and PLA2 and GOT activity of the cardiac muscle organisms from bodies executed at the corresponding. The time were all determined. All data was handled with single factor variance analysis and T examination by SPSS13.0 software. The significance reached is P<0.05.Results: 1. In peaceful conditions, SOD activity and GSH contents of group B, C, D showed little higher than those of group A, while as far as MDA content was concerned, the situation was opposite. The change of PLA2 activities wasn’t obviously.2. At quotas loads condition, SOD activity and GSH content of group B, C, D were higher than those of group A. The PLA2 activity and the MDA content were in the opposite situation.3. After exhausting instantly, in the big mouse cardiac muscle, SOD activity of group B, C and D showed obviously higher than that of group A, but MDA, GSH content of each group nearly showed no difference. The PLA2 activity of group A showed obviously higher than that of group B, C and D.4. The renewing group after restoring for 12 hours, in cardiac muscle, SOD activity, MDA content, PLA2 activity in group D showed the lowest among the four groups, but GSH content in group D showed the highest among the four groups.5. Compared with other three groups of exhausting, group D showed significant difference in exhausting time, group A showed significant difference (PO.05) compared with group B and C, when compared with group C, group A showed larger significance.Conclusion: 1. Compound of Chinese traditional sturdy-positive-medicine prescriptions could coordinate the movement training, lengthen movement time, improve the mobility, postpone exhausting time site for the big mouse.2. Compound of Chinese traditional sturdy-positive-medicine prescriptions could reduce the MDA content, suppress lipin peroxidation and effectively remove free radicals in the cardiac muscle, raise the SOD activity and the GSH content in cardiac muscle of big mouse, sharpen the anti-oxidization ability of organism in different functional conditions.3. Compound of Chinese traditional sturdy-positive-medicine prescriptions and the training all can raise GOT active of cardie muscle in the big mouse, improve cardie muscle function, enhances the ability of cardie muscle to oxygen energy suplying under the different situation.4. Trainings could reduce the MDA content, suppress peroxidation of lipin, raise the SOD activity and the GSH content in the cardiac muscle of big mouse, enhance the anti-oxidized ability of organisms.5. In the state of movement, both the compound Chinese native medicine prescription and the movement training could prevent PLA2 activity fromincreasing, so as to reduce the damage for cardiac muscle, and further accelerate the damage restoration in cardiac muscle. If the two methods work together, the effect would be better.

  • 【分类号】G804.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】108