

Pharmacodynamic Research of GongYanJing Tablet (GYJ) in Prevention and Treatment of Cervicitis and Its Probable Mechanisms

【作者】 谢俊大

【导师】 常章富; 洪缨;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 临床中药, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 宫炎净片由广东紫珠和益母草2味药物组成,是在临床妇科常用药抗宫炎片的基础上,进行活性筛选后,经一定的工艺提取其有效部位浓缩而成。其具有活血调经、清热解毒、利水消肿的功效。主要用于治疗急、慢性宫颈炎等妇科疾病,中医辨证属湿热下注、经脉瘀阻者。本研究从以下几个方面和不同水平对宫炎净片治疗宫颈炎的药效及相关机理进行了研究和探讨。 1 宫炎净片对实验性宫颈炎的保护作用 目的:研究宫炎净片对实验性宫颈炎的病理形态学改变的影响。方法:参照文献方法改进制作了苯酚和大肠杆菌致的两种大鼠宫颈炎模型,以HE染色进行病理形态学观察,按照文献及实验具体情况制定的分级评分法进行分级评分。结果:宫颈炎模型大鼠出现宫颈黏膜层及下层大量白细胞浸润,血管增生明显,鳞状上皮显著增生、水肿,甚至溃疡、变性坏死或脱落,出现柱状上皮鳞状化生亦,可见组织细胞增生纤维化。宫炎净片各剂量组均可明显降低模型大鼠宫颈组织病理性损害。结论:宫炎净片能够减轻炎症时组织病理性损伤。 2 宫炎净片的抗炎作用 目的:观察宫炎净片的抗炎作用。方法:通过大鼠足肿胀实验和大鼠棉球肉芽肿实验来观察宫炎净片的抗炎作用。结果:宫炎净片对大鼠足肿胀和棉球肉芽肿都有显著的抑制作用。结论:宫炎净片具有明显的抗炎作用,可以减轻炎症过程中的肿胀、肉芽增生等病理损伤。 3 宫炎净片对细胞因子以及炎症反应物质的影响 目的:研究宫炎净片对实验性宫颈炎模型大鼠的炎症干预作用。方法:用放免法、比色法分别测定计算实验性宫颈炎大鼠宫颈组织前列腺素E2(PGE2)、白介素-2(IL-2)含量和血浆铜蓝蛋白(CP)的活力。结果:宫炎净片可以显著抑制实验性宫颈炎模型大鼠宫颈组织IL-2、PGE2含量的升高和血浆铜蓝蛋白(CP)的活力的增强。结论:下调局部PGE2、IL-2的水平、抑制CP的异常活化是宫炎净片干预炎症的可能作用环节。 4 宫炎净片对血液流变学的影响 目的:观察宫炎净片对实验性宫颈炎模型大鼠血液流变学的影响。方法:

【Abstract】 GongYanJing Tablet is derived from clinical compound prescription, and composed of the effective components after activity filtrations, which are extracted and separated from Guangdongzizhu and Yimucao.It has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifcaton, promoting blood circulation and reducing bruise, draining humidity and detumescence.It is maily used in treating various acute and chronic cervicitis.This project mostly aims at testifying the effects of GongYanJing Tablet on prevention and treatment of cervicitis and further evaluateing the mechanism of its effects.1The protective effects of GYJ on experimental cervicitis ratsOBJECTIVE: To study the effects of GongYanJing Tablet on morphological changes. METHODS: Two modified cervicitis models are made according to reports , which respectively are induced by Escherichia coli and phenol gelatinoid.HE staining of cervices is performanced to observe morphological changes, then score the changes according to standard of classification classification. RESULTS: After molding of cervicitis models, in the vehicle group, great number of cervical squamous epithelia appeare growths, edema, even partial area occurr ulceration, denaturalization and putrescence, then desquamate, with leukocyte infiltration in the surface even under layer of cervical mucousa.The status is improved by GongYanJing Tablet. CONCLUSION: GongYanJing Tablet can relieve morphological damage in cervical inflammation.2The anti-inflammatory effects of GYJOBJECTIVE: To observe the anti-inflammatory effects of GongYanJing Tablet. METHODS: Make the rat models of paw-adema induced by Carrageenan and acestoma induced by tampon, then measure the cubages of varicose paws and the weights of acestomas. RESULTS: Both Carrageenan-induced paw-edema and tampon-induced acestoma are significantly inhibitted by GongYanJing Tablet.

  • 【分类号】R271.9
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】358