

Tracking & Positioning and Signal Processing of Digital Electric Field Sounding System

【作者】 张华伟

【导师】 孙越强;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(空间科学与应用研究中心) , 空间物理学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 地球表面的大气中存在着平均强度为130 V/m的电场,它是研究多种天气现象与地球物理过程的重要参数之一。数字化电场探空系统是对0~30km的空中电场进行实地探测的新型全自动高空探测系统,由球载空中电场测量装置和地面跟踪定位与数据处理设备组成,采用1680MHz载波频率。它利用GPS定位,宽波瓣天线捕捉和低噪声接收的方法替代雷达或无线电经纬仪对高空探测仪器进行跟踪定位和获取信息,具有不受低仰角的限制和目标不易丢失等特点。终端处理软件通过串口接收GPS定位数据和电场测量数据并进行处理,显示探测结果,绘制电场的分布曲线,并引导接收天线指向探空仪以跟踪它的信号。由于设备轻便、操作简单,有较好的机动性和可靠性,这套系统不仅在高空大气电场探测领域,而且在空间环境探测及常规的气象探测中都有广阔的应用前景。本文详细介绍了借助GPS进行探空仪的跟踪定位的实现方法以及终端处理软件的设计。在2005年进行的四次飞行试验中,获得了一批我国西南地区大气电场的探测数据,证明了这种跟踪定位的方法是可行的。这几次试验的情况也在本文中作了介绍。

【Abstract】 The atmospheric electric field prevailing all the time over the entire Earth with amean intensity of 130V/m is a key parameter for studying various weather phenomenaand geophysical processes. The digital electric field sounding system is a newlydeveloped full-automatic sounding system of upper atmosphere which is capable of insitu measurement of the electric field in the 0 ~ 30km range. Composed ofballoon-borne electric field measurement equipment and ground tracking &positioning and signal processing equipment, the system works in the 1680MHz band,and uses GPS in place of radar or theodolite to track the radiosonde without the limitof small elevation,as well as a wide lobe antenna and a low-noise receiver to avoidlosing the target. The terminal software receives and processes the GPS and electricfield data from COM port, shows the result, draws the distribution curve of the electricfield,and guides the receiving antenna to track the radiosonde. Mainly used in electricfield measurement of upper atmosphere by far,the system, featuring portableequipment,facility operation and perfect movability and reliability, has a greatprospect in the space environment and common meteorologic sounding as well.The solution of tracking & positioning and the development of the terminalsoftware are introduced here. In the four flying experiments in 2005, sufficient data ofatmospheric electric field in Southwest China were obtained which confirmed thevalidity of the method. These experiments are also introduced in this paper.

  • 【分类号】P401;P228.4
  • 【下载频次】239