

The Calculation and Analysis of a New Type of Superimposed Slab

【作者】 朱坤

【导师】 白国良; 窦立军;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文主要研究单向预应力双向叠合板楼盖,其以预应力预制叠合底板为底模,利用板侧伸出钢筋的搭接实现横向传力,变单向受力为双向受力;通过二次浇筑混凝土形成整体楼盖结构;通过预制底板中单向施加先张预应力改善了楼盖的受力性能,满足了大开间及不同型式建筑的要求。 本论文通过对大量文献的分析总结,选用1570MPa的三股钢绞线作预制底板的预应力钢筋,提出了合理的板侧横向钢筋搭接方式和其它构造措施,并在叠合板中的预制部分加钢筋桁架的方法来提高预制部分的刚度,同时控制预应力筋张拉的应力,来控制和减小最终挠度。 结合现浇空心楼板重量轻,承载力高,且整体性好的优点,将叠合结构现浇部分作成圆孔板,以减轻自重和提高叠合板的最终承载力;这种楼盖整体性强,具有大跨、板薄、裂缝控制性能好、延性好、恢复性能强等特点。 通过有限元理论分析、计算的方法来确定新型预应力叠合板的强度和刚度计算公式。

【Abstract】 This thesis mainly discussed one type of two-way superposed slab floor with prestress in one way. The lower layer of the superposed floor is precast-prestressed slab, and the upper layer of it is cast-in-situ concrete reinforcements set in the precast slab lapped with each other at the side of the slab. In this way, the floor stands loads in two ways. The prestress in precast slab can improve mechanical performance and meet the demands of large room width in many buildings structures.Summarizing former experiment results, a building structure for testing was constructed. According to the present design code.3-wire strands with tensile strength of 1570 MPa were collocated in the lower precast concrete-slabs of superposed floor. It raised stiffness in the way of adding truss in the present. At the same time, controlled and decreased the finally bending deflection with prestress reinforcements tensile force.Combinating the advantages of light weight, high bearing and good wholeness of the hollow floor, changed the superposed slab into hollow plates to ease self-respect and raise the latter bearing the weight of the superposed slab. This type of floor has many merits such as insane, height, bearing capacity, ductility and performance of joint-resistance and restore.The thesis fixed the formula of intensity and stiffness of the new pattern prestress superposed slab through the way of theory analysis and calculation.

  • 【分类号】TU378
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】129