

Research on GIS-based Vehicle Routing Planning of City Logistics Distribution

【作者】 姚娟

【导师】 李玉海;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 情报学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机和网络技术的进一步发展和应用,现代物流配送正步入一个信息化、自动化、网络化、智能化的发展阶段。特别是近年来GIS在理论和应用中的发展为解决现代化物流配送提供了有利的条件。本文结合电子商务环境下的第三方物流企业的需要,对物流配送中的配送车辆的路径优化问题进行了研究。在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,将GIS应用于物流配送路径分析中,利用GIS强大的空间分析功能来完善物流分析技术,通过一系列物流配送优化算法模型,开发了基于GIS的城市物流配送路径分析系统,从而为物流配送管理者提供科学的决策依据。在解决城市物流配送路径规划问题时,本文采用分解的思路把整个路径规划问题分解成为配送区域划分子问题和单车辆路线优化子问题。在配送区域划分的求解过程中,本文首次提出了利用Voronoi图对配送区域进行区划的方法,避免了其他区划方法出现的区域半径确定的随意性以及配送区重叠或配送盲区的问题。在单车辆路线优化的求解过程中,本文采用启发式的方法--遗传算法来实现,并在遗传算法框架中加入局部搜索能力很强的贪婪算法,利用贪婪算法邻域搜索原则建立了一种新的遗传交叉算子--贪婪交叉算子,从而改善了遗传算法的局部搜索能力,达到了快速收敛的效果。最后本文提出了基于GIS的城市物流配送路径分析系统的总体设计思路和详细的功能设计,并利用ARC/INFOR的MapObjects控件和VB为开发平台,开发了基于GIS的城市物流配送路径分析系统。

【Abstract】 With the farther development of computer science and network technology, modern logistics distribution is stepping into quickly progress period .Especially ,in the resent years, the more widely application of GIS provides a advantageous condition to take the logistics distribution problem .This paper study on how to optimize the planning of vehicle routing to meet the demand of the third part logistics company. In order to resolve this NP problem ,this research introduces GIS into city logistics distribution planning system, modeling a sets of optimization algorithms based on the spatial analysis functions of GIS and actualize it on GIS platform.In the research on the vehicle routing planning , the whole problem is divided into two phases in the process of building model, which are area partition problem and single vehicle routing problem. This paper provides a new method called Voronoi-partition approach to deal with the area partition problem. As to single vehicle routing problem, a new kind of hybrid genetic algorithm is put forward. The idea for this hybrid genetic algorithm is to add a bran-new greedy operator into the framework of genetic algorithm to improve the efficiency of the algorithm .At last, this paper discusses about the framework design and detailed function design for the city logistics vehicle routing planning system based on GIS and actualize this system using mapobjects ActiveX control and Visual Basic platform .

  • 【分类号】F252;F224
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】922