

A Study on Interaction with the Agglomerative Effect and Urban Innovative System

【作者】 徐敏

【导师】 刘嗣明;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 区域经济学, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 本文主要是从集聚的角度,通过对集聚与城市创新的互动关系来探讨城市创新能力的培养与提升,以及这种互动作用的现实作用,即对可持续发展的作用。并附带以武汉市为例来进行了实证研究。共分六个部分:第一部分:导论。在明确本文研究意义的基础之上,探讨了国内外研究历史与现状,并提出了本文的研究方案,指出了研究的特色与创新之处。第二部分:集聚与创新系统概念及理论基石。在界定了集聚和创新系统的相关概念后,阐述了集聚与创新系统的理论基础,即空间集聚理论、城市创新系统理论、创新理论、区域经济理论等。上述理论,为集聚与城市创新系统的研究奠定了坚实的基础。第三部分:集聚与城市创新系统的相互作用分析。主要从空间集聚促进城市创新系统的构建,以及城市创新系统促进城市集聚效应的形成这两个方面,来对集聚与城市创新系统的相互作用进行分析。集聚是城市自身具有的功能,城市创新系统内各创新要素的集聚会促进城市创新系统的构建,而城市创新系统的建立又势必会促使集聚效应的形成。第四部分:集聚效应下的城市创新系统与可持续发展。探讨了城市科技创新与可持续发展的相互关系,聚集经济与可持续发展的相互关系,以及城市科技创新和城市制度创新在可持续发展中的作用。第五部分:武汉市创新系统评价的实证研究。按照一定原则设计出一套武汉市创新能力评价的指标体系,并将武汉市与广州、深圳、郑州、济南、青岛这五个城市的创新能力进行了对比分析。通过分析,指出了武汉市创新发展的优、劣势以及面临的机遇和挑战。针对武汉市创新发展的过程中出现的这些问题,从建立公共研发平台、筹建科技资源共享中心、完善科技创新创业融资体系、营造全面创新文化氛围、确保城市创新支撑系统运作、建立人才聚集保障机制这六个方面,提出了提升武汉市创新能力的对策。第六部分:结语。总结全文,提出有待解决的问题,以及城市创新系统研究的趋势和发展方向。

【Abstract】 The research of interaction with the agglomerative effect and urban innovative system is mainly the interaction of them through gathering to explore innovative training and the upgrading of urban innovation, and the interaction of reality, namely the role of sustainable development. And as regularly has test the theoretical hypothesis on urban innovative systems throung taking Wuhan as an example. The paper can be divided into six parts:The first part is introduction.In this part, it is clear to know research significance.Based on this, it introduces the history and current conditions of research in home and abroad. And has proposed research plan, pointed out the research characteristic and the innovative place.The second part is the concent and theoretical basis of agglomeration and innovative system.It gives the related conception of agglomeration and innovative system.Then, interprets theoretical basis of them. It inclouds theory of spatial agglomeration,theory of urban innovative system, theory of innovation,theory of regional economics,etc. These throeies lay on solid foundation for research of agglomeration and innovative system.The third part is interaction with the agglomerative effect and urban innovative system. Gathering from the space promotes the construction of city innovative system as well as the city innovative system promotes formation of the city agglomerative effect. The two aspects come to analysis mutual function between agglomeration and city innovative system. Gathering is the function which city oneself has. Collecting all innovative factors will promote construction of urban innovative system.And establishment of the urban innovative system will be able to format the agglomerative effect inevitably.The forth part is urban innovative system and sustainable development under agglomerative effect. It has discussed reciprocity of the urban scientific and technological innovation, agglomerative economics and the sustainable development. As well as it has function to urban scientific and technological innovation and urban system innovation in sustainable development.The fifth part is the demonstration evaluation research on urban innovative system in wuhan. According to the certain principle I design a set of the target system to appraise the urban innovative ability, and to analysis innovative abilities of six cities which is Wuhan, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhengzhou, Jinan, Qingdao. Through the analysis, I has pointed out merits and shortcomings of innovative development to Wuhan city ,as well as the opportunity and the challenge. In view of these questions which appear among the Wuhan development process ,I finally propose the six countermeasures which is building the public research and development platform, establishing scientific and technological resources sharing center, constructing the financing channel of the technical innovation, making the comprehensive innovative culture atmosphere, guaranting the urban innovative strut system operation, establishing the talented person to gather the safeguard mechanism,to promotive innovative ability in Wuhan.The sixth part is summary. It summarized the paper and pointed out problems to be solved. What’s more,some expectations are made for further research in the future.

  • 【分类号】F290
  • 【被引频次】1
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