

Research on the Development and the Countermeasures of National Educational TV Programmers

【作者】 周妍

【导师】 江北战;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 教育电视台是由教育部门主办的专业电视台,行政管理隶属于教育部门,行业管理归口于广电部门。截止2005年底,经过结构调整后,我国共有教育电视台50家。近年来,随着传媒产业化竞争的加剧,我国各级教育电视台都不同程度地陷入困境。一些地方电视台为了抢占市场份额,纷纷开办科教频道或教育频道,与当地的教育电视台形成恶性竞争,广电部门随意挤占教育电视频道的现象比较严重。此外,教育电视台一直被在生存中普遍存在的认识不到位、管理不得力、覆盖有限、资金短缺、专业频道不专业等等问题所困绕,再加之面临因数字化、网络化、产业化和信息化飞速发展而迅速崛起的卫星电视、数字电视、IP电视带来的新的挑战,教育电视台的生存处境极为艰难。在严峻的挑战与困惑之中,教育电视该如何生存与发展? 本文以目前教育行业、广电行业的运作规则和发展态势为基点,从坚持教育电视台的教育属性,走教育立台的特色发展之路;从解读我国电视媒体专业化道路的环境,对教育电视台如何构建传媒品牌、如何构建品牌核心竞争力等方面进行专业化打造,走品牌化、专业化发展之路;从树立大产业、大经营、大传播的现代传播新理念,采用合纵连横、整合传播、品牌营销、实施多元化经营等多种有效营销策略,把教育优势、电视优势转化为产业优势;从如何在互联网环境下,利用教育电视的优势,发展网络教育电视,通过引入互动电视,推进教育电视数字化,使教育电视台在数字化时代立足等方面,提出了教育电视面临困境的解决对策,对教育电视如何生存发展、做大做强进行了积极的思考和探索。

【Abstract】 Educational TV Station is the specilized TV which is hosted by educational departments. It is under the commend of educational departments,while broadcating and television sectors in industrial management. After the adjustment of construction, by the year 2005, there had been about 50 educational TV Stations nationalwide. In recent years, with the cutthroat competition of wedia industrilization,educational TV Stations at different ranks has fallen into dvleremds at varions levels. In order to occupy market share, Some local TV Stations open technological or educational channels one after another, only lending to a pernicions competition with local educational TV Stations. Moreover, the phenomenon of encroaching the educational channels is serions. In addition, the educational TV Stations are being bothered by recognition, management, coverage rate, money shortage, unspecialization which exist commonly in development. Apart from that, due to the accelerated development of cyberization, industrialization and informationization, the challenges brough by the satellite TV .digital TV, IPTV have pat the educational TV Stations into extreme predicament. How should educational TV Stations struggle for survival and development between the severe challenges and confusions?The paper has the openation princitoles and developing situation of present education and broadcasting and television industry as basic points,putting forward the solutions for educational TV. It has also thought and explord actively about how the educational TV Stations survirel, develops and enlarges. This paper discusses the solutions mainly from the following points:First, Keeping the education nature of the educational TV Stations,developing the special path for education. Second, from analyzing and understaneling the environment for television media, it presents how to construct media brand, to build up the core competition and so forth. Third, so as to turn the educational and television advantage into industry advantage, we must set up the new concepts of modern transmission about large_sized industry, large_scaled operation andmass transmission, and adopt various effective marketing strategies. Finally, it puts forward that we should take advantage of educational TV, develop cyber educational TV, introduce interactive TV, propel the digitization of educational TV , to make the educational TV Stations gain a foothold in digital age.

  • 【分类号】G432
  • 【被引频次】6
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