

Study on the Planning and Design System of Land Consolidation Based on GIS

【作者】 胡秀丽

【导师】 喻光明;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 自然地理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪70年代以来,由于人口增加、全球变化、城市化和工业化进程加快,引起了土地利用变化、耕地减少和人地矛盾等一系列问题。实施可持续发展战略面临着人口、资源、环境三大问题,土地特别是耕地是一种稀缺资源,它对实施可持续发展意义重大。土地整理作为协调人地关系,实现土地资源优化配置的重要手段,在有效缓解人地矛盾、实现耕地总量动态平衡、解决土地利用方面将发挥越来越大的作用,并展现出其巨大发展潜力。 地理信息系统(Geographic Information System),简称GIS技术,是信息技术的重要组成部分,是在计算机系统支持下对空间地理数据进行采集、存储、管理、运算、分析、显示和描述的技术系统。自20世纪60年代产生,GIS技术得到了迅速发展,应用领域进一步拓宽。目前已经广泛用于资源管理、交通管理、环境保护、灾害监测、设施管理及城市规划等诸多方面。技术也朝着3S集成、三维GIS、时态GIS、虚拟现实及组件式、开放式、网络化、Grid GIS、面向对象GIS方向发展。 运用GIS的理论、方法、技术,结合土地整理的特点及要求,构建“基于GIS的土地整理规划设计系统”,可以对土地整理规划编制和实施过程中的数据进行采集、编辑、组织、管理、输出及更新,为高质量、高效率、高水平地完成土地开发整理规划的编制、项目管理和实施监测工作提供了可靠的保证。 本文在总结国内外相关研究成果的基础上,探讨了建设土地整理规划设计系统的可行性及其意义,提出了本文的研究内容、研究目标以及系统的特色和创新之处;在分析系统设计原则、设计依据的基础上,对系统结构、功能、界面和数据库进行了总体设计;对系统的开发平台MapInfo、开发语言MapBasic以及系统运行所依托的软硬件环境进行了说明。本系统由基本功能模块(系统登录模块、主模块、数据管理模块、信息选择与查询模块等)和专业功能模块(规划设计模块、工程设计模块、图件编制模块、工程量计算模块及预算编制模块)两大部分构成,模块之间相互独立,便于维护和管理。文章第四部分对各功能模块进行了详尽的说明,并在第五部分以湖北省崇阳县肖岭乡沙坪镇土地整理项目为实例做了分析,结果表明,系统界面友好,操作简单,实际应用效果好。

【Abstract】 Since the 1970s, the population of human beings has been growing rapidly. At the same time, the urbanization and industrialization has expanded with it, so as to cause many problems, such as land use, the decrease of land and the clash between man and land. The implementation of sustainable development policy deals with the problems of population, resources, environment, and land. Land, especially farmland as scare resources, is important to the implementation of sustainable development policy. Forever, land consolidation plays an important role in the adjustment of the relationship between man and land, the means of the optimization of land resources and the achievement of the balance of land use. And it also shows great potential.Geography information system (GIS) is an important part of information technology. This system can process geographical space data in the way such as collecting information, storing, accounting, and analysis etc, under the assistance of computer system. Since the 1960s, GIS technology has developed dramatically, and is used in many different fields. Currently, it is used wildly in resource management, traffic control, environment protection, and natural disaster monitor etc. And the technology is focused on 3S, 3 dimension GIS, virtual reality, Grid GIS client-oriented GIS.By using the theories, technology and methods of GIS, combing with the characteristics and standards of land consolidation, the planning and design system of land consolidation based on GIS is established. Therefore, the land consolidation planning and some data collection such as compiling, organization, managing has a guarantee to high quality planning.Based on research both home and aboard, this thesis discusses the feasibility and significance of establishing the planning and design system of land consolidation, and propose the contents and the characteristics of the research and some new ideas of the author. After analyzing the principles of design, the author explains the structure, function and data base of the system and also analyses the platform MapInfo, the programming language MapBasic, and the environment of software and hardware. This system consists of basic function modules (login module, main module, data management module, information chose and inquiry module) and specialized function modules (plan designing module, project designing module, maps drawing module, earthwork calculating module and budget computing module). In the fourth chapter, the detailed description of the modules is given. In the sixth chapter, the specific example-land consolidation of Xiaoling county, Shaping Chongyang village,Chongyang town, Hubei province is analyzed. It conclude that the system not only easily operated but also efficient.

【关键词】 地理信息系统土地整理规划设计模块MapInfo
【Key words】 GISland consolidationplanning and designmoduleMapInfo
  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1055