

Study of the Capacity of County-level Government in Public Crisis Management

【作者】 张屹立

【导师】 尤光付;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 行政管理, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 县级政府是我国的基层政权组织,是直接涉及危机事件的管理部门,强县级政府能力能达到直接防灾、减灾的效果。研究公共危机管理中的县级政府能力有助于我国县级政府危机管理体制的规范与完善,有助于我国县级政府依法行政的全面实现。提升公共危机管理中的县级政府能力能直接减灾、防灾,将危机造成的损失降低到最低限度。 公共危机管理是公共管理中应对危机状态的一种特殊形式,它由危机预防、危机处理、危机评估、危机后恢复等要素构成。县级政府能力是县级政府运用权力、履行法定职能,应对环境挑战,解决面临的问题,实现其职能目标的一种功能性力量,与其职能相联系,它是由规划发展能力、制度创新能力、资源配置能力、市场规制能力、提供公共产品的能力、组织协调能力和社会控制能力构成的有机整体。本文以T县政府处置春蚕中毒事件为例,认为公共危机管理要求县级政府至少应具备回应能力、信息能力、运用媒体的能力、协调能力和决策能力。而在实际的公共危机管理过程中,我国县级政府在应变能力、信息化能力、多元主体的培育能力以及公民权益的维护能力等方面存在着部分缺失,造成这些能力的部分缺失是由于危机防范意识不强、应急机制不完善、公共危机管理体制不健全、对社会资源整合不足、法制建设相当落后所引起的。要克服县级政府管理公共危机的能力缺失,提升其能力,就需要完善公共危机管理法制,提升县级政府依法行政能力;改革公共危机管理体制,提升县级政府应急处置能力;疏通公共危机管理信息传播渠道,提升县级政府信息沟通能力。 本文的创新点主要体现在两个方面:一是研究内容上的创新。应该说,在我国,当人们把政府能力作为管理公共危机的一项重要内容来进行研究时,更多的是针对中央政府而言的,而对县这一层级的研究成果几乎寥寥无几,对其展开系统研究恰好可以填补这一学术研究领域的空白。二是研究方法上的创新。本文以个案为切入点,通过对T县政府处置春蚕中毒事件进行剖析,采用从个别到一般、从特殊到普遍、由表及里、由此及彼的方法,从加强县级政府能力建设的角度,对公共危机的管理做出理性分析,实现了在该问题研究方法上的突破。另外,文中提出的在公共危机管理中提升县级政府依法管理能力、应急处置能力、信息沟通能力的主张,也有一定的新意。

【Abstract】 The county-level government is our country organization of political power at the grassroots level and the control section directly involving the crisis events , the strong county-level government capacity can directly takes measures against natural disasters and achieve the disaster reduction effect. Study of the county-level government capacity in the public crisis management is helpful to make our country county-level government crisis management system standard and consummate, is also helpful to comprehensively realize our country county-level government legally administration .Promoting the county-level government capacity in the public crisis management is able directly to reduce disasters, to take measures against natural disasters and create the crisis loss to reduce the threshold.Public crisis management is a special form responsible for crisis situation, which is composed of these elements such as crisis prevention, crisis control and treatment, crisis assessment, crisis recovery. County government capacity is the use of county-level government authority, performing its statutory functions, address environmental challenges, solve problems and achieve their goal of a functional strength, and its associated functions, it is an organic whole composed of planning and development capacities, system innovation capacities, resource allocation capacities, the capacities of-regulating markets, the capacities of providing public goods, the capacities of organization and co-ordination and the capacities of controlling a community. This thesis takes T county government disposing spring silkworm poisoning incident as an example and thinks that the public crisis management demands the county-level governments to be provided with at least crisis responsiveness capacities, and information capacities, the ability to use the media, co-ordination capacities and decision-making capacities. In actual public crisis administrative process, our county governments exists some deficiencies in adaptabilities, information capacities, the capacities of cultivating multiple main incubators and safeguarding the rights and interests of citizens, and resulting these deficiencies in county-level abilities to prevent the crisis is due to the absence of a strong sense to prevent crisis and imperfect response mechanisms, imperfect public crisis administrative system, lack of integration of social resources, caused by theimperfect legal system. County-level governments to overcome capacity deficiencies and enhance its capacities in the public crisis management requires perfect public crisis administrative legal system to promote executive capacities according to law of county-level government, sound public crisis administrative system to promote disposing capacities of meeting crisis of county-level government, smooth public crisis administrative information dissemination ditch to promote information communicative capacities of county-level government.Innovation about this article mainly manifests in two aspects: One is in research content .we can say, in our country, when people take the government capacity in public crisis management as an important content to research, more is to aim at the central authority, but not to the county-level authority. It results the research about that is nearly very few, so, the system research to it is exactly allowed to fill the blank in scholar research domain. Two is in research technique. This article takes a document as a point to analysis T county government disposing spring silkworm poisoning incident, uses these methods from individual to general, from special to common, from outside to inside, from one to the other and from the angle of strengthening the county-level government capacity construction, makes rational analysis to the public crisis management, has realized breakthrough in research technique about this problem. Moreover, positions proposed in the article to promote the county-level government legal management capacity, handling capacity in the emergency, the information communication capacity in the public crisis management, also have the certain fresh idea.

  • 【分类号】D630.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】815