

Study on Surface Water Environmental Capacity and Quantity Control of Pollution within Tidal River Network

【作者】 李胜

【导师】 梁忠民;

【作者基本信息】 河海大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 平原感潮河网地区湖泊密布、河网发达,地势较低,易于受潮汐影响,发生洪涝灾害。随着社会经济的发展,各种生活废水和工业污水大量排入河网,致使水环境质量日益恶化,成为困扰城市环境和经济可持续发展的一个重要问题。欲有效地改善水环境质量,必须研究水环境容量,并以此作为污染防治的依据,对主要污染物实行总量控制。 本论文通过河网水动力模型和河网水环境容量模型相结合,建立起平原感潮河网地区水环境容量的计算方法,并应用于上海宝山区嘉宝北片河网地区,计算出研究区域主要河道满足功能区水质目标要求的水环境容量,提出功能区所对应的陆域污染源的排放控制量和应削减量。根据本文的研究结果,取得以下主要成果: (1)利用最新的水文监测资料,在大规模河网范围内准确率定和验证了感潮河网水动力模型,结果表明模型计算值和实测值比较吻合。 (2)基于感潮河网水动力模型和水环境容量模型,结合河网污染源排放的特点,对河网地区进行了地表水环境容量计算。结果表明,该方法对于河网地区水环境容量计算以及确定污染物总量控制方便有效。

【Abstract】 It is easy to be influenced by tidal influence and flood because of the gathering lakes and rivers and low topography in tideway area. With the growing economy and society, water pollution and decline of water environment quality has become a very important topic with regard to sustainable development. If we want to improve the quality of water environment,we must study the water environmental capacity(WEC) ,and then control the pollutions discharged total according to the WEC.Combining water dynamic model and WEC model, this paper constructed computing method of WEC in tideway area in plain, applied it in Baoshan in Shanghai, counted the WEC satisfying the water quality goal, put forward the control quantity and quantity to be cut. According to the study course of this paper, several results were obtained as follows:1. It validated the water dynamic model in large-scale river network using the latest information and the results were proved to be appropriate.2. It calculated the surface WEC in river network based on the water dynamic model and WEC model and the characteristics of pollution sources ejection. The results indicated that the method is effective and convenient for computing the water environment capacity and pollution quantity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 09期
  • 【分类号】X522
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】511