

Design and Research on Unboned Prestressed Concrete of Pressure Tunnels

【作者】 金兆辉

【导师】 朱岳明; 赵顺波; 唐与;

【作者基本信息】 河海大学 , 水利工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过辽宁省大伙房水库输水二期工程浅埋段压力隧洞的设计实例,提出了运用无粘结预应力环锚技术解决浅埋深、围岩破碎洞段压力隧洞的衬砌抗裂问题。本文对大伙房水库输水二期工程浅埋压力隧洞五个典型断面进行了有限元分析,采用的无粘结预应力方案均能满足各种设计工况的要求。确定的方案经济合理、技术可行、施工方便、结构安全,完全可以满足这些洞段的复杂围岩条件和长期运行的要求。 本文共进行了以下工作: (1)通过调研,确定采用无粘结预应力混凝土衬砌方案。主要是调查国内外类似工程的预应力混凝土衬砌的应用、发展状况,研究本工程采用无粘结预应力混凝土衬砌的适用性。 (2)采用有限元分析软件ANSYS,分别对无粘结预应力衬砌方案的预应力钢绞线和钢筋混凝土衬砌单独建模,预应力钢绞线的单元节点与钢筋混凝土单元间通过约束方程法建立起相互作用的关系,分析钢绞线和钢筋混凝土衬砌的应力和变形,计算结果表明确认采用的设计参数能够满足规范要求。 (3)通过研究解决后张法预应力环锚的关键技术,包括衬砌及锚固槽混凝土配比、锚具及防腐系统、超挖处理和环缝止水等专题的研究,确定保障后张法预应力方案可靠性的措施,为设计方案提供有价值的建议。 无粘结预应力衬砌技术在国内90年代还鲜有应用,它在小浪底泄洪排砂洞中的提出和成功应用成为国内首创,填补了国内空白。本设计充分吸收了小浪底工程和近年来其它应用环锚技术的工程设计成果,对解决大伙房水库输水二期工程浅埋复杂地质洞段衬砌设计难题起到了关键的作用。

【Abstract】 The main content of this article is based on the design of low covered pressure tunnel in Liaoning Dahuofang Reservoir Water Diversion Project (2nd stage), and to raise the unboned prestressed encircled anchorage method to solve the problem of preventing cracks in lining of pressure tunnels in low covered and unfavorable geologic conditions. Five representative sections in Liaoning Dahuofang Reservoir Water Diversion Project (2nd stage) has been analysed with finite element method, and find the unbonded prestressed method can satisfy the need of every design condition. The chosen method has characteristic as follows: proper price in economic, practical in technology, easy on performing and safe in structure, so it can meet the need of tunnel’s long-term running in complex geology condition.This article mainly concerned the content as follows:(1) It mainly concerned on the reason why choose unbonded prestressed concrete lining technology. The main way is to investigate the application and new development of prepressed concrete lining in china and foreign countries and research on whether it can be used in this project.(2) Use the finite element software ANSYS to make model for consecutive strands and unbonded prepressed concrete lining. Build the reciprocity relation of the cells in consecutive strands and cells in RC, analyse the stress and transmogrification of consecutive strands and RC to make sure the design parameter can meet the need of specification.(3) Research on the key technology of the post-tensioning prestressed encircled anchorage method, including studies of concrete mix in lining and notch of anchor part, anchor and preservative system, unwanted excavattion and water-stop of ring parting, and based on those studies to raise the reliable application measures for post-tensioning initial stress methode , make suggestion for usage of those technologies.Unboned prestressed concrete lining was infrequent usage in 90th, until it was used in flood and sediment discharge tunnels of the Xiao Lang Di Project first time and filled up the internal blank . This design gains experience on usage of unboned prestressed technology in the Xiao Lang Di Project and other projects, as a result, the problem of how to design lining of tunnels in low covered and unfavorable geologic conditions can be solved.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 09期
  • 【分类号】TV672.1
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】144