

【作者】 汤瑞光

【导师】 陈守伦; 唐劲松;

【作者基本信息】 河海大学 , 水利水电工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对国内外在堤坝渗漏探测方面的理论与方法进行了全面的归纳与总结,包括传统的地球物理勘探技术、渗流监测技术、各种CT技术和综合示踪技术等。任何单一的测试手段都不能严格界定复杂堤基渗漏的部位、强度和方向等。综合示踪方法是探测分析复杂堤基深层渗漏的有效手段。我国一些重大水利工程复杂渗漏的查明主要依靠综合示踪手段。综合示踪方法的突出特点是通过多种方法与手段的综合应用,可以清楚地描述集中渗漏通道在堤坝中的空间发育规律,即平面上的位置与剖面深度,从而为有效防治堤坝渗漏提供充分的依据。 本文通过两个典型工程渗漏的探查来说明失踪理论与方法在解决堤坝渗漏上所起的重要作用。大小陆湖堤防的77+000~77+270堤段多年来一直是险工险段,历经加固但收效甚微,通过综合示踪探测已查明,77+250部位的管涌源于砂壤土层的渗透,特别是砂壤土层与上部粘性土层的接触部位,已经形成了一定的集中渗漏通道。主要渗漏水流来自测压管剖面附近。马家沟水库在死水位以下即出现大量渗漏,在235.7m以上坝后坡即出现严重渗水现象,反映渗漏问题的复杂性,通过示踪探测,目前已基本查明渗漏部位与性质,由于水库水位尚未达到设计正常高水位,在险情发生时最高236.8m库水位条件下,左右坝肩不存在绕坝渗漏,基岩中局部存在一定的集中渗漏,两岸岸坡坝基存在渗漏,沥青混凝土心墙存在三处渗漏,给大坝的安全运行带来巨大危害。

【Abstract】 The theories and method about leakage detection of the river dyke, suchas geophysical, leakage measurement, CT’s, integrated tracing technique, etc. are reviewed, but anyone of them can not determine the location, intensity, direction of leakage in the complex river dyke foundation. The integrated tracing technique is an effective method to detect deep leakage in a complex river dyke foundation and an important character is to integrate many methods so that the spatial developing mode of leakage passageway can be found clearly.Two case studies are used to explain the tracing method application in leakage detection of the river dyke. 77+000-77+270 reach of Daxiaoluhu Dyke is a dangerous reach for many years although it was be reinforced many times. By the integrated tracing detection, it is determined that piping at 77+250 section originates from leakage at silt layer, specially, from contact leakage at silt layer and upper clay layer, some concentration leakage passageways have formed and leakage flow mostly come from the section near piezometric tubes. By the integrated tracing detection, it has found heavy leakage at the back dam about 235.7m of Majiagou Reservoir. The integrated tracing detection has determined the location and origination of leakage. When water level is at 236.8m (below the design normal high level), some concentration leakage at the base rock, leakage at the dam base of both shores, three leakage points at the asphalt concrete core wall are found. They has harmed safe operation of the reservoir.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 09期
  • 【分类号】TV871
  • 【下载频次】257